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QUESTION OF THE WEEK #25: In what ways is living off grid the answer to the many consequences of coronavirus?


Flowers everywhere

The safe place became unsafe. The crowded places like Cities turned to be ghost cities. Only the blow of the wind that was making a sound when the coronavirus attacked every place surprisingly. No one was expecting it, so no one was ready of it. People were lucky when their lives didn't experience the effect of this virus. Not totally lucky because a threat of being affected was still there. That's why a lot of people were leaving the Cities. They knew that they might be hungry leaving their jobs. Even so, they decided to face hunger rather than facing the virus which has a fatal effect.

The happy lifestyle changed into sorrows to everyone. Many people were afraid to go outside. Discriminating people were happening because everyone wanted to avoid those people who might be a courier with the virus. Humanity was gone because of the fear of this virus. It's understandable but sad to say it shouldn't be like that. But we have no right to judge them because like us they wanted to make sure they're safe and families. But some people were doing things to avoid contact or to distance themselves from this virus.

Many people were going home while carrying their thoughts. The rural area was safer or if they might die unless they were in their love ones. But even though they were in their hometown. As a human who was influenced by so many activities in life. That's why even in the house, staying home was still not the right thing to do. There were those people who were suffering from anxiety because of no activities. Even you or I could tell how hard to stay home without doing something. Most of us were going crazy.

This activity just one of the activities when people need to do something. Taking care of plants or gardening indoors. I saw on Facebook how some people overcame the boredom. Going outside by talking with friends was not a good idea at that time. So making themselves busy with gardening was a good choice. We all know what is the effect of gardening. It can relieve stress and it can give peace of mind just by watching plants. That's why many people were selling online flowers and plants. It's not just a hobby because we need to fill our stomach. Those who planted first earned the most when the virus was still fresh st that time.
We also knew how a good environment can influence us. It's not that much maybe but it does give so much effect from mental awareness. Especially when people we can talk to were limited. We might not notice it but our mind will be healing if we spend too much time taking care of flowers or plants. Instead of going to a doctor because we were feeling ill. Which was obviously created from the sick mind because of anxiety.

Planting flowers and plants those days were not just making themselves busy. It also gave a good environment and good health. Having plants surrounds the people could provide fresh air. I'm talking about oxygen which is what our body needs. When the corona cools down in our place. Many people are loving the plants now. As you can see in my images, many flower stores are showing up. Now that we can go outside and not being afraid of the virus. Some people are building flower stores and some are buying in stores. This scenery was rare to me because before corona there were no stores built here. Well, the human will always find a way to survive and this just one of their strategies to do so.

You can read the original question here, @ecotrain/question-of-the-week-25-in-what-ways-is-living-off-grid-the-answer-to-the-many-consequences-of-coronavirus.

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d' dreamboy,

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