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ecoTrain QOTW #19: What am I addicted to and how does it help me or hinder?

Well Addictions have a very bad image overall, but not all addictions are bad. Though it is not good to have any type of addiction, but some of them can be really good and uplifting. So why not?

Thankfully I do not have any addiction that is creating harm in any manner, specially any addiction of food or habit. The one strong addiction of mine is Crystals. I just can never get enough of them.

My journey with Crystals began around 10 years back and since then it has become a habit for me to spend some part of my day with them, else I feel something is missing.
Before that I never believed in crystals, but in my travels unknowingly I was picking them up in forms of show pieces or just getting attracted to clusters, or in jewelry form, this is the way my journey started with the Crystals. Today they have become a part of me, I cannot imagine my life without Crystals. This does not mean that I am dependent on them but I like their energy and I strongly resonate with them. Also while working with them I have observed their high healing energies and benefits that people have got with them and this makes me more and more attracted to them and I want to spend as much possible time with them learning them, understanding them.


My attraction is majorly towards raw crystals. Some people think I am crazy because the money I spend on picking up raw crystals is a good decent part of my earnings, so it does not make sense to a lot of people. But for me I feel they communicate with me and there is a strong bonding with them.

If I have to think of it that if they have helped me or hindered me then with no second thoughts they have surely helped me. I can see the difference in me, how I have transformed, my thoughts, my life, my overall way of living life. I am not saying it is all only because of Crystals, but yes for sure they have been very instrumental. Working with Crystal energy has been very uplifting for me.

One can alter their energies by raising their vibrations and frequency. The higher frequencies have the ability to alter other frequencies when they occupy their space. Hence the Crystals when brought into our space gives the resonance of its vibration and helps in healing, soothing and altering our energies.

Crystals is all about Energy and once you start experiencing these soothing and balancing energies you for sure want to keep going back to it again and again like a magnet. So such is my case, I have tasted the Nectar, how can I let it go now :-) It's just so much part of me.

Crystals is the sweetest addiction of my Life

Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ


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