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"WHAT IS BEAUTY?" - Answering @ecotrain 's QOTW.

The understanding of beauty is different from person to person. I believe it mostly depends on how we grew up, our beliefs, our way of life; everything makes a huge impact on what we say, think, and see as 'beauty'.

The definition of beauty can be different but what beauty brings may not.


Beauty pleases us, makes us happy, makes things more enjoyable...

My idea of beauty is very clear to me. If something pleases my eyes and soul that is what I call beauty. Many times it can't ensure both. But I still don't hesitate to call it beauty. But if that doesn't please my soul, I sometimes turn my eyes and do hesitate to stand on my point.

So after asking this question from @ecotrain, I also started to think, then what is beauty to me?

I believe, beauty is a good combination of everything that matches our perspective.

It can be nature, can be human beauty, can be artificial beauty.

Beauty is something soothing that fills my heart, that fills my soul. It's something that makes me feel good about life. It's the charm of life, an enhancer of life, it's enchanting and adds great value to life.

So as I was saying, it may vary from person to person, we may not see beauty in the same thing. But beauty will be beautiful no matter if we doubt it.

There's beauty around us, in everything...I dance, I enjoy nature, I sing, I make artwork, I shower in the rain...there's beauty in everything...



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