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Response to Ecotrain Question of the Week - My Spiritual Experience

For @Ecotrain 's question for this week we are asked to

share our spiritual experiences

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I've had a vast array of spiritual experiences ranging from a-hah moments in nature to near death experiences from an injury. All were beautiful and profound!

Image by Glegle from Pixabay

One of the most profound experiences I had in nature (which I had written about before in previous posts but is worth mentioning again) was when I was returning from working at the tree nursery, feeling tired from a long days work, I walked up the hill my house was on and as I reached the opening from the wooded trail I was on to the hilltop I saw the full moon rising above the silhouettes of the tees in the East and the sun setting among the trees in the west.

I stopped to take it all in and it hit me, this knowing that

this is what it was all about.

It is about the rising up and falling away. I have come to experience this more and more in my meditation practice how everything is coming into being and passing away. I can see that more in my day to day life too and it has got me through some rough spots knowing that "this too shall pass!"

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The near death experience I had when I was a young girl. I had fallen on my neck which my sister said caused my body to drop and start shaking. I didn't experience any of that, I was experiencing going to the light. This brilliant light that I would describe as pure love. Coming nearer to the light I experienced a being there which I had the terminology to call "the Christ". At this point a message came to me (this was not in words but just a knowing) that

it was not my time

As I turned away I knew that there were many more people to connect to before my time.

I returned to my body being left with no longer fearing death and so it was that I have had many connections in my life in the years afterwards.

When I think back on these experiences it has me in wonder at our universe and life in general. I wonder also of the other realms than this human plane.

I have developed a meditation practice and in my meditation, experiencing the coming into being and falling away, I look towards cultivating spiritual development. I seek to remain on the path of liberation and experience Nabbanic peace.

My wish is for peace and harmony to prevail in this world, that there may be peace on earth and goodwill towards all mankind and all beings!

Thanks for stopping by!

Discover previous ecoTrain magazines at @ecoTrain plus news on the Eco-Village at www.ecovillages.io

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