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QUESTION OF THE WEEK #25: In what ways is living off grid the answer to the many consequences of coronavirus?


Hello everyone! It was a global shock when the spread of coronavirus broke out. I, for one, was one of those who felt somewhat disgruntled, the fact that my kids are scattered in three different places to earn their living. What am I gonna do? I was like a sitting duck waiting to be shot right at that very moment! I feared for their safety and mine as well, with my inner thoughts that it will be the end of mankind! Well, we've heard about those other viruses but this kind shattered each and everyone.

When it was announced that there will be a lockdown, it seems that the world stopped revolving, working places were paralyzed, and most of all, there was hunger everywhere! Our only means of communication was through the Messenger Family Group chat. Thanks to internet technology!

Everybody feared for their lives. It was a sink or swim situation. There is a saying which says "Your fear of death will keep you alive" and am pretty sure that this applies to all of us. I was only thankful that my eldest grandson was already aboard his ship when these things happened without preamble. Since the elders were not allowed to go out, we were given gate passes with color coding wherein each community were given their respective schedules for groceries.

Keeping off the grid was the only means to keep away from this invincible covid-19! Strict protocols had been imposed. If we only follow the rules religiously and at least curtail the old life we once enjoyed, I am pretty sure that we will be able to flatten the curve. Keeping off the grid is a big sacrifice but let's face it: This is our only chance in order to survive.

Thanking @ecotrain for their deep concern on how to deal with this horrible coronavirus!

Keep safe everyone!

Till then,

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