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ecoTrain QOTW #25: In what ways is living off grid the answer to the many consequences of coronavirus?


Less dependent on governments

Right now, things are changing by the day. Several countries are having full power currently over what restrictions are being tightened. These powers can be abused, it's not said that they will, but it's a tricky thing. We civilians could feel (I often do) as if my faith is in the hands of those above deciding. I don't like to lose control, and defo not to governments. It doesn't matter what decissions are being made, the pandemic makes me feel that I'm very dependent on the government, even without having to hold my hand for financial support. I honestly hope to break this cycle rather sooner than later.

I can't even imagine how it must feel to be in a very very shitty financial situation at this moment, not knowing if there will be help soon enough before you drown and things are getting even worse.

I have read many times, that people are now (more than ever) deciding to sell their belongings and find a place to live off-grid, be self-sufficiant. And I salute every single one of them. Those people have the guts to take control back of their own lives and try to be independent. It takes a lot of guts to break the sheep-cycle (lol) we've been brought up with. Most of us, those that aren't lucky to be brought up living free but in a system (wherever in the world) can't deny that we have never been free at all. Freedom is not being dependent on anyone, not even governments..

It's good to see that more people are seeing this pandemic as an opportunity to break the cycle, and finally chose what they never dared to do, living off-grid, this is a huge shift that's going on and honestly I'm super excited to find out where the world will be at in a year (or 2).

Food shortages

I think no matter where you live, you probably have dealt with food-shortages during the first lockdown or the aftermath of it. I have to admit, that the first time I encountered food shortages was (surprisingly) not during but after the lockdown. I noticed some things weren't available as much as before, and when I paid attention, I saw prices rise. Thankfully, we could still buy what we needed. But I know that there are plenty of people that can't say the same thing. Which is a sad thing to think about.

Being able to grow your own food, and where possible, trade your food for other food with neighbours to not let anything go to waste, is something that I still long for and dream about for the future. For several years, both my boyfriend and I have discussed that we would love to have a garden en grow our own food, have chickens etc. We won't go completely off-grid, for now, that's definitely a bridge too far for our family, but I don't exclude it for future plans! I think that I would feel super blessed being in control of my own food, knowing that we can provide for all (most) we need ourselves without having to worry about what government tricks are being played to cause shortages.

Cleaner air

Although we have been very clear about it for years, even before the pandemic, that this is going to be our last home in a big city. We decided that this was the best option for the time being (and maybe only option to create a happier space before the second wave), but are exploring the options for quiet villages next year. Not only because of being sick of city life, but thanks to the pandemic, we've been shown many times what we find important in life.

We need a space we call home without having trouble caused by our neighbours, we have a huge terrace currently which is not even used as we have so many eyes on the terrace, this needs to be swopped for a big garden! I feel short of breathe in the city, every time I go for a walk, even in parks, I smell gasoline and whatever they are spraying upon us by chemtrails isn't helping either. Of course, this will not be gone in a village, but at least the gasoline fumes will be so many times less.

Less stress caused by others

A lot of people are currently taking it upon them to play police officer or rat people out that don't obey the rules. Let me be clear, I'm one that does obey the rules regarding mask-wearing, not because I agree to them, or don't mind it, but simply because it's not worth getting fined. Instead of having to wear the mask for many hours a day, I walk more and try to avoid the situations where it's mandatory to wear them.

It's quite stressing me out that I see people judge others or even get into verbal fights about not wearing a maks, while I have experienced numerous time already that it can make you feel dizzy and short of breath (especially when you're in a packed metro or tram), who am I to judge when someone is removing the mask because they're about to faint otherwise? Live and let live. It's stressing me out that people are always looking at others and snitching about people they don't even know. Without knowing the real reason that someone is acting the way they are.

It's simple, off-grid means there are a lot fewer people that are bothering what you're doing, so less stress. And I'm convinced that when you are really living off-grid that you are finding like-minded people that are just trying to find the same peace of mind as all others living that way.

Empowering others instead of spreading hate/jealousy

From what I've seen online (not from experience), it seems as if these people are trying to spread love and light over hate and other negativity. Instead of being jealous of what your neighbour has, they would spread their knowledge to empower people in the community. This thing alone is something that I wish I could see more in the world!

To me, these things I find here on Hive, in different communities. Like-minded people that see through the bullshit that's going on and like-minded people that are all talented in their own way, and for that, I'm thankful. I know if I want to learn more about living off-grid, or if I decide I would like to gain knowledge for the future, even though I'm not actually living off-grid yet, that Hive is filled with people that are willing to point me to the right direction. And that's honestly something I truly miss while living in a huge city.

I'm grateful that I at least have 2 great friends here that are absolutely like-minded and share the same ideals, but honestly, I wish the city was filled with people like this. The world would become so much better in my opinion.

So much to discuss, it's defo interesting food for the brain, thanks again @ecotrain!

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