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The Power Of Observation! - My Response To The EcoTrain Question Of The Week!



Oh how powerful it is, to take the time to observe, to watch how the earth interacts with us and how we interact with her. How magically it is to observe our children as they navigate this world, as they test the waters and discover who they are. How important it is, to observe and then take a step back and just let them be.

We will never really understand who we are, unless we take the time to observe how we interact with others,with the world and with ourselves. Taking the time to observe our emotions, to sit with them, to acknowledge them and be grateful for what they have taught us.

Observation is so important for growth, it brings with it so much awareness!

I can quite happily spend my time sitting in nature and observing the busyness of the ants and the bee's. Observing the long limbed trees, dancing in the breeze. All of these things help keep me grounded and connected. They bring me so much peace of mind and clarity. They reinforce the importance of gratitude and the power that is to be had, when we embrace the simple things in life.

Those things that we so often take for granted, yet are so vital for our survival and well being. To simply take the time to stop and smell the earth, to consciously exchange energy and open ourselves up to receive.

Observation, helps to take us out of our heads and into the here and now. To recognize how we are feeling and why we are feeling this way. To reconnect with and come back to ourselves. If we all took the time to slow down and observe, to just simply exist in any given moment, how much would our lives change?

Observation allows us to see, how change is just a normal and healthy part of life. There is no need to fear it, or to resist it, change makes us stronger. Observation is an act of empowerment, we see and we internalize and then we create change.


At times our observation, can led to a place of judgement. Where we create opinions about what we are seeing or experiencing. Sometimes these judgements are positive and sometimes they are negative and they can really change our whole experience. The way we judge something or someone usually comes from the way we have been brought up and the interactions we have had in the world. As a result we mostly judge things differently from others.

Where observation very much takes us out of our heads, judgement keeps us in there. Triggering memories and learnt reactions that we have carried from our ancestors and that have been programmed into us from a young age. Unless we are aware we will continue to hold onto them. Because sometimes we pass judgement in a negative way, without realizing it, simply because it was acceptable at one point in our lives.

There is so much judgement in the world today and it is being used as a weapon against us, as a tool to divide us. For sure when we talk about negative judgement's like racism, it is important for these to be recognized, to be brought to the light so that we can tackle them and move forward in a more loving and peaceful way. But all too often what we are seeing and hearing is being manipulated by the media, so that we end up making false judgements and living in Fear! Were we end up attacking the wrong people.

If we only took the time to step back for a while and do our own observation. To really look at what is happening and the narrative that is being told to us. Does it all add up, through our ability to observe we gain a level of awareness and that awareness can help us connect with what our gut is telling us.

Because deep down we all know, it's just some choose to ignore that feeling or just can't identify with that niggling feeling that won't go away. That feeling of unease, what is that? This is why it more important to observe, than to pass judgement!

What a time to be alive! Do not get lost in the narrative, instead step away and take the time to observe from a place of awareness and connection.

This Is my response to the EcoTrain Question Of The Week #13: Observation vs Judgement: Do you know the difference?


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