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QUESTION OF THE WEEK #25: In what ways is living off grid the answer to the many consequences of coronavirus?

This is my entry for the challenge of the week # 25 organized by @ecotrain


To begin with, it is impossible to escape the network unless you want more to live like the Yanomami there in the Amazon, without electricity, without electronic equipment and with all the discomforts that human beings already experienced before the Neolithic Revolution, that is, when they invented agriculture and animal husbandry which led to that process we call civilization, which is life in cities, being in any urban center is being online, the problem is that we live in a world where the future does not It is seen as eutopic, that is, as something very good but rather dystopian, that is, as something worse even than what we are experiencing at the moment.

I feel terror of the future that our grandchildren and the grandchildren of our grandchildren will have to live in this world of increasingly powerful hegemonic powers that acts in the shadows where the state is one of its instruments, it is not the state the only one that oppresses, most of the states obey the great interests that are what actually operate through the media, social networks, means of payment, health systems, public services, the repression of organisms state security and ultimately the social control that is exercised over each one of us, a social control of which most people are not aware of the levels of control and command and manipulation to which our urbanized society has reached in the eve of a fourth Industrial Revolution with an increasingly controlled and manipulated freedom of expression.

Critical thinking seems to me to be the key to escape the network, there is no way we can escape the control society because every time we send a message, we make a call, an internet query, a payment, we are controlled and we pass To integrate the Big data that serves so that those hegemonic powers become stronger and stronger, what we must develop in order not to escape but to protect ourselves from the network is to empower ourselves through critical thinking through a more natural life, especially in what we consume what we eat as food, stimulate ourselves to inquire about the variety of expressions that human beings have in all different cultures, countries and nations. Do not be conformist with what only comes to us through social networks that are a source of idiotization, always look for the alternative, do not accept only what is common and massive, understand that "nobody is as good as they proclaim or as bad as they accuse "then how to find the balance to those attempts of manipulation of both sides.

I call balance to develop stimulate alternative thinking to be attentive because as a very traditional saying goes "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" to understand that everyone defends their own interest and that the most difficult thing for human beings is to understand honestly stating your interest without feeling remorse that their behavior is in your best interest.

Nobody has a monopoly on the truth, which does not mean that we are all wrong, but what we must avoid is repeating what we have not analyzed, checked and verified with the necessary caution with a critical spirit.




It prevents Coronavirus.
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