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Ecotrian QOTW ~ Is Life Fair?



It's a great privilege to take part in this initiative ECOTRAIN QUESTION OF THE WEEK SEASON 6 #5: IS LIFE FAIR?

When speaking of fairness and unfairness of something, one could easily compare and contrast.
People tend to see the fairness in something or about something when it in their favor and vice versa.
No one can honestly say something is fair when it's not to their advantage.
And for humans, we tend to judge things easily depending on how we feel it is or should be.

A young lady who is up to the age of marriage but no suitors is coming her way will also see life to be unfair.
A child who isn't passing well in school or having poor grades will as well think the same.
The truth is we all judge things differently and the way I judge the fairness and unfairness of life isn't the same way you judge it.

That I got the bigger share of something today cause I am older doesn't mean it will always be the same elsewhere.
You may find out that someday, another person will take the bigger share and there will be nothing to be done about that, and that where the karma set in.

I don't think I have really come to a point in my life that I truly think life isn't fair. And I can't measure if life is indeed fair to me or not. All I know is that everything that happens, happens for a reason, and whatever we go through in life, our trying times is for a purpose, and if we truly don't let our guards down we might discover later in the nearest future why those things happen to us.

It can be depressing when you have all the bad things in the world or you can ever think of them happening to you.
Why are you always the one failing?
Why are you the only one still single among your siblings and friends?
Why are you always the broke nigga?
Why are you always the one mocked and ridiculed?
Why do people always see you as the loser every time?

At such point in your life, in the life of anyone, trust me, they gonna think or describe life as being unfair to them.
No one loves it when he or she is seen as the bad guy or as bad luck.
Everyone wishes to succeed in whatever they do but when life isn't treating them well then they are prone to see how unfair life has been with them.

So for me, to answer the question; Is Life Fair?
As crazy as this may sound. My answer goes this way;
Life is not always fair and life isn't always unfair neither
It all depends on what we do, where we are, and how we deal with life.
The truth remains that life will never be fair, that's the sad truth people, so you shouldn't always expect life to be fair all the time.
The balance must be strike regardless of who is involved.

I reminisce all the time I thought life was being unfair to me, but when I look back at those moments and times, I smiled knowing that whatever happened, happened for a good reason and nothing can change that fact.
Let's always keep the spirit of positivity high no matter what we go through in life and somehow we will see life as being fair even if it's not at some point in our lives.

I wish you all a great week and I am glad to take part in this question of the week and I hope to keep it up.
Thanks for stopping by and for reading my post.

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