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LOH Prompt #64: One Nice Thing About Myself.


My second post on Hive came as a contest from ladies of hives...yayyy...and I am super excited about it because it is my first contest and guess what guys I would be answering the number 2️⃣ Share one nice thing about yourself!

I have so many nice things to share about myself but I’ll just dwell on one aspect which is the ability to make my hair myself...LOL yeah I do my hair myself sometimes when I do not want to visit the salon or go out of my comfort zone. Yeah I know you must have seen videos of ladies doing their braids themselves but mine is exceptional because I do braids and wigs and I get proud of myself LOL especially when people make nice compliments about it.


I made these wigs and other pictures of braids I did myself below.

I started making my hair myself at a very young age I started with cornrows like 4-6 rows because it was quite stressful then but as times went on I began to learn and develop new techniques and easy ways to do my hair myself.



When I tell people I am my own hairstylist they be like how? Like how do you sit and braid your hair? How do you cut the lines so straight and neat? Isn’t it stressful ? How long did it take and so on LOL I can’t ignore those questions, so what I do sometimes for clarity sakes and disbelieve I show them videos of how I went about it, with the help of a mirror I could see what I am doing... and recently I stopped using mirrors to cut my hairline because I get confused sometimes if the lines are straight or not so what I do I just imagine through my scalp and cut through.



I hope this write up grabs your interest. Thank you ladies of hives for this contest and also thank you @estherscott for inviting me.

I invite @joydukeson and @omosefe to join this contest.

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