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Memes ~ Ladies of Hive Community Contest #44

As one of the Founders of the LadiesOfHive Community along with @silversaver888, I have never felt it appropriate for me to enter the weekly contest, at least not on a competitive level. So, I created a few memes just for fun. Also, we've had rather few entries to the Meme Contest thus far, so maybe this will inspire more women to participate!

DISCLAIMER: As co-Founder and an Admin, I hereby revoke my rights to any winnings, even an 'Honorable Mention' prize. My participation is only in the spirit of fun and camaraderie.

photo by Edi Libedinsky on Unsplash.com • editing by me

This little girl is simply adorable! She is riding on the shoulders of her father (whom I've chosen to cut from the image) and is looking for fun things. It reminded me that we do not need to search far to find other women, as there are plenty right here in LadiesOfHive! 💛

photo by Karina Vorozheeva on Unsplash.com • editing by me

I thought this was a very sweet photo, where a butterfly has landed on the nose of a cat. For at least a brief moment in time, they're coexisting peacefully with one another, just allowing "what is" to simply be... That's how it is with LadiesOfHive — we do not try to change each other, but merely enjoy each others' company and support one another in whatever ways we can. 😊

photo by Edu Lauton on Unsplash.com • editing by me

In our weekly contests, the LadiesOfHive usually have a couple of questions. Entrants can answer one or both of them. Many of the women have said they enjoy answering the questions because they inspire them to look inward, to examine their thoughts, values, and goals. This week there is still one question, but the other question has been replaced by a Meme Contest, where the goal is to create a meme enticing other women to join our lovely women-centric community.

Part of the requirements (if you choose to make a meme) is to use photos that are free-for-use and not copyrighted or watermarked. Entrants can use their own photos, or get them from a site that allows usage of photos, such as:

  • https://LifeOfPix.com
  • https://Pexels.com
  • https://Pixabay.com
  • https://Unsplash.com

I found quite a few excellent photos on Unsplash.com and edited them with my trusty PaintShopPro™ software for resizing and adding the wording. Please check the official contest post if you are unsure how to add the words to a photo to make a meme of your own, or if you do not have software like mine.

photo by Timur Romanov on Unsplash.com • editing by me

As always, there is a question in the contest post which can be answered by anyone, whether you choose to make a meme or not. This week's question will help us to improve our community, and we'd love to read your feedback to us!


POSTLOGUE: Today, 19-Aug, would have been my mother's birthday if she were still alive. It has been almost six years since she passed. So, I think it is very fitting that I am publishing a post about a women's community on this day. R.I.P., Mom 💕



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