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Cryptobrewmaster. How to Deposit Card and Beer Factory Upgrade

Happy Monday!

I found out that I have a NFT card that I can deposit to the game and upgrade my Beer Factory!

First of all, I am not sure where that card is coming from, but I assume that it is the card that I won in the Cryptobrewmaster giveaway organised by @cre47iv3. So, @cre47iv3, thanks a lot again ^^

I found that card in ASH Farming tab on the right side of the game dashboard.


I decided to transfer that card to the game. I don't really know where was that card at that moment. Maybe there are special tokens on the HE...

Anyways, I clicked to deposit that card (the green DEPOSIT button).


Then I went to the Beer Factory, clicked on the UPGRADE button and on the '+' button next to the equipment.


Why equipment? If you look at the card, each card has icons that show for which building it is and for which category.


The card I have is WhirlPool which reduced the beer factory restore price by 8%! So, instead of 0.1 CBM, now I will pay 0.092CBM.

Now I have a dilemma Should I save CBMs or should I buy NFT cards and upgrade buildings?

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Good luck! Have a nice day!

If you don't play Splinterlands yet, try it now and win a free card or earn DEC tokens.

If you don't play Rising Star yet, try it now and win a free card or earn STARBIT tokens.

If you don't play CryptoBrewMaster yet, try it now and win a free card or earn CBM tokens.

The post was published via @Ecency. Ecency is one of the best communities and posting platforms on Hive Blockchain!


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