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Rewards Pulled from 2 f2p accounts

The experiment continues

With the release of chaos legion i have found it a lot less profitable to rent
my way into silver league than previously. Until i figure out the mest meta
to use I will have to stick it out in bronze on these free to play accounts;
but can at least show progression with them over the long haul.

1st account i spend 10 DEC per day on rentals which is currently operating
at a loss as compared to before and with a meager $0.30 of value from the
cards that were pulled in the reward chest i will definately need to figure
out a system for combat to hold and justify expenditures in silver.

2nd account spends a meager 1 DEC per day; and even though the chest
rewards were less fulfilling than that of the first account, it does hold its
own in regards to the battles paying for the rentals i am using.

I think this is going to be valuable knowledge in the fact that i can show
new players that you don't need deep pockets to grow in splinterlands,
just a strong desire and a willingness to put time in along with a ton
of patience and the progression will happen over time.

#splinterlands, #Play2earn, #hive, #blockchaingaming, #spt, #3speak

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