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If I was a girl...

I wake up one morning and notice everything that makes me a man is gone. Then suddenly I hear a voice saying "you have just 24 hours to be a girl and afterward you do transform back to a male" . What will I do?

The Truth....

One question I have consistently asked myself is "what do women want?". That's a question you never get an answer to until you're a woman. To be honest, 24 hours is a short time to explore the billion things on my mind when it comes to the opposite sex, people would joke around that women can't be understood and as a man, I wonder why.

First, I'd like to understand what women want. Maybe at the end, I'll write a blank book or write a book with 10,000 pages depending on what comes up from the exploration. I know how important it is to understand a woman, especially when half of a man's happiness depends on how well he understands the woman he is married to. I do explore female sexuality, what makes them happy the most, why they act the way they do and probably what works for most of them. My first task would be exploration.


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Secondly, what's that thing about the bad boys? Oh, a gentleman like me who had always been curious why our so nice gestures doesn't work most times would be so anxious to know that trick that works, or maybe how the female gender thinks when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex. I'll go out to the club, take a few minutes to go for a date, dress in those sexy outfits, let me experience that attention for a while and see how much it counts to be noticed.

Finally, it's just a day, I wouldn't be pregnant. I'll want to take that shot, let me know practically about the spots those sex doctors talk about on YouTube videos. The A-Z spots, hahaha! Let me know what those girls-talk are, and let me know how it feels to admire a guy. Do girls always feel like dying or flying when they see a cute guy with six packs, tall, and handsome? All these are worth knowing. The 24 hours is just too short for many findings. Otherwise I would have preferred to get pregnant, no!Did I say pregnant? That one thing I'm scared of, maybe breastfeeding should be better than the whole idea of carrying a pregnancy.

After 24 hours..

No!, I wouldn't want to continue as a female, I may not cope for long. I have seen the responsibility a lot of females carry, they may seem fragile on the outside but strong from the inside. The monthly cycle, nine months of pregnancy, caring for the infant child are things I don't think I can do for now. I don't like to make society start putting pressure on me to settle down as a female especially when I'm in my 30s or the fight and trauma of blaming the female child for any delay in marriage. I don't like stress and being pressured and I know women face this most often, it's not something I'm ready to bear.

I invite @chidubem26 @assegai and @iyimoga to join the challenge.

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