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PIZZA CHESS RESULTS S01T03 The Pepperoni Pawn: Prizes (Including an NFT) Given Out, Amazing Matches, Next Tournament w/ FREE ENTRY Date, and MORE!

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Pizza Chess S01T03: PRIZE RESULTS

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Greeting and welcome hiveans, to another tournament results post. The tournament was a rip-roaring hour of chess which awarded prizes to the following people @vjap55 @rosmarly and @emic . The prize distribution is as follows:

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What to do with my PIZZA prize?

You can go to hive.pizza store and buy a wide variety of steam games. Stake at least 25 of it to tip authors here on hive. Swap it into other tokens on Tribaldex. Or participate in cheesey giveaways in the hivepizza discord here. Many ways to benefit from your earnings.

Highlights and Pizza Slice Giveaway

This tournament had various fast paced and well played matches. The one that stuck out to me was the match between @rosmarly and @vjap55 . It was a fast paced game that lasted under two minutes, but @rosmarly didn't cut her time. I suspect this gave her greater mental breathing room and allowed for more thought in her moves. The game was well played by both parties. A fun match to view (also it was the ONLY match vjap55 lost). To check it out click here. Comment anything, anything at all chess or pizza related and I'll toss you a slice of PIZZA.

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Next Tournament Date: Final Chance for Finals Entry

The next and final tournament will be held on the 23rd at 21 GMT. Prizes and more TBA in a followup post SOON. This last tournament will be the final chance to earn the NFT that qualifies entry into the Grandmaster Showdown. Don't forget to comment for your PIZZA and if you wish to be notified of this and more fun events don't forget to enter the hive.pizza discord here

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