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🤑 Excitement and Disappointment 👿 - Hive Gaming Thus Far

Anyone who knows me, knows I am a gamer. From @neoxian to @daltono to @snook and @ecoinstant, I play on multiple avenues. I like computer games, mobile games and even console ones. Today, I am going to tell you about some super exciting things and some utterly disappointing things I have seen come from #hive in the gaming arena. We can agree to disagree right now if you like. This is all my opinion and nobody is required to agree with any of it. This is simply my experience to date.

As some of you may know, I recently sold a Champion Deck for #splinterlands that fetched me a few decent pennies. Some of you might be aware that I have five scholars and an overseer playing #axieinfinity for me. I'm also involved with a few other chains that may help bring blockchain gaming to new heights. Time will tell. This post, however, is all about #HIVEGAMING.


This is by far, the best thing to happen to Hive since it became Hive. Surpassing a million accounts? Dafuq @aggroed, you paying people to play or something? 🤣 It's also the most functional and well put together game on this blockchain. The battles are smooth, the cards are quite artistic and you can actually #playtoearn like no other game I've ever known. I even have played friends like @saffisara and @clove71! What I am excited about most right now, about this game I have been playing for over 3 years, is the new #chaoslegion edition that's dropping in 4 days!

It's going to kick so much ass. If any of the new rewards cards have given you an inkling of a clue as to how awesome they are going to be, then you are in for a treat. I have set aside this, that and the other to (hopefully) get enough vouchers and will have enough #sps to make sure I get those sweet ass airdrops (and new title). What's that? You don't play? Go sign up right now and thank me later.


Ah, there's been a lot of talk about this #psyberx game. Some of it is good, some of it is bad and some of it is neutral. It looks like it is gearing up to be the first FPS (First Person Shooter) game on chain. This is huge for me as I love games like Call of Duty and Fallout. The difference here is - it will be #play2earn! I can't wait to be an alpha (or even genesis) tester for this game. Hook me up! 😝

I have decided, since this is one of my favorite game genres, to at least become a founder and help these guys get their wheels up off the ground. I officially own 1% of all the LVL tokens that will ever be minted by #royalreptilestudios. I hear they have a track record and aren't ashamed to point you in the the direction you need to go to see some of their previous work. They are young though, and as Hive often does, we pick them apart and see if they have what it takes to stick around by being part of this 'community'. I'm rooting for you @psyberx, stay the course gentlemen.

Unsung Hero

Unsung Hero is an interesting 'set it and forget it' browser based, hack-n-slash progressive model. It reminds me a lot of 'Idle Champions' from Dungeons and Dragons that was out on Xbox a while back. Has anybody ever played that? Yes, no, maybe so? I've had the pleasure of working with @scrooger and @rishi556 by testing out the game in its infancy. You may even see a few things I've written on screen when it launches! 😉 There was a few headaches to start, but it takes time, I get that, and I will be a strong supporter of this unique game as it unfolds and takes shape here on Hive.

One thing I'm really excited about, is the way they are doing the items and 'Heroes' in the game. They have partnered with NFTmart and (to my knowledge) each piece of armor, every sword or staff and pretty much anything you can think of - will be tradeable as NFTs, giving you the opportunity to make back some of your investments - or even profit greatly. What's that? Tournaments? Hellz yeeuh. 😈

And then, there are the games that basically suck and I have lost almost all interest after being super pumped when I discovered them. Ones that still do have potential, but as for game play time? Ya, you're rarely going to find me on them anymore until there are some serious changes. Again, we can agree to disagree here. I mean, seriously though, what the fuck?

Rising Star

Now, Rising Star probably has the most potential of them all because it incorporates actual musical artists. You play as a musician trying to be the next 'Rising Star'. I love this aspect of the game. But right now, that's all. I bought like what was it, some 100 packs or something and didn't get a single fuk'n Epic or Legendary anything (I wanted a @stickupboys)! The only thing I got was the classical dudes busts that came with the 'boxes'.

If you add that to extremely slow load times, a clunky trading market (it took almost 4 hours to list my collection - it would have taken me 10 minutes with @peakmosters for #splinterlands) and a rather limited selection of 'quests' - I just can't anymore. But I mean, these guys had to have made some bank, give the thing a reboot already!


I was super pumped about this one when I came across it. You can even see my dCity if you want. Now, I'm not sure what the fuck happened over the course of the past year - probably greedy politicians - but taxes have made the game almost stupid to even try and play. I was to the point where it was almost profitable with their rewards in place, but it just went dildo up the peckerhole on us. My boy @definethedollar often refers to this one as 'dShitty', because it has gotten pretty shitty.

The 3rd edition of NFT 'cards' did bring some neat new buildings and such. In this SIM type game, my biggest problem, is the confusing inner market. It is highly functional, but I couldn't find a decent walk through guide to teach my dumbass so it took almost 30 minutes one day to finally figure out just how to buy some cards. And fuck it all because I still don't know how to list the little shits. No friendly little popover hover cues to make it easy or anything. It's like they said - here's some more cards, thanks for the cash - and then just left us out to dry. I'm far from being the only one who feels this way too.

Human History

I'm not even going to put a link here for this one. I thought it was going to be some wicked epic caveman to future starship pirate shit, but no, it's just lame. Don't even play it. It's like Drug Wars took a shit on Holybread and then puked up Piggerick hogtales.

What Is Needed

This may be different for everyone, but I think Hive needs a few other game genres tackled. One of them, is the shooter games. Until @psyberx is actually playable, they're still missing from Hive. Just because chitty chitty bang bang and all that shit. It also needs a better SIM game. A real time one where you can customize your shit and maybe even watch yourself take a shit. I also think it would do well with some kind of tower defense type game and obviously - racing. Racing will break into the sports realm and it just gets real interesting from there.

Regardless what you play or who you decide to do 😋, REMEMBER TO BE YOU! I always am, even when Chaos reigns and Cyberpunks got a bead on the future.


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