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Mage Counter New Meta - Ezreal Carry! TFT - League of Legends

Hello Hive Gaming followers, 3 days ago in my TFT post @pusen told me not to tell my secrets to people, everyone will play it. He was really right. In all the games I played, almost 4 out of 8 people played mage. I told him not to worry, because I'll find a counter for it and I did, Ezreal Carry.

This is one of the simplest comps I have played and even if 2 people play it, you will definitely be in the top 4. First of all, the champions you need in the early game are Ezreal, Karma, Taric, Ashe and Leona. ezreal

                            Your start should be like this.

This comp is a Hyper Roll comp. In other words, it is a comp that you play by making champions 3 stars by finishing your gold at level 5.Until level 5, we only accumulate gold without taking any level.

After that, what we need to do is just spend our gold and make all the champions I mentioned above three stars. As the name suggests, the carrier of the comp is Ezreal. The items we need to give are Blue Buff, Infinity Edge, Jeweled Gauntlet. The 2nd carrier of the comp can be Ashe or Karma depending on the items. If you have ability power items, you give Karma, if you have Attack speed and AD items, you give Ashe.

This is an image from the mid-game of the comp.

As you can see in the photo, I made almost all champions 3 stars and went to level 6. Our important champion here is Lee Sin. He is very important because he opens both Dragonmancer and Tempest buff. Leona will be our tank, let's not skip this. We give her the armor and magic resistance items.

You can see Ezreal's damage here. He' s really powerful.

What you need to do from here is to get to level 8. At level 7, if the Mirage buff is a buff that provides tankiness, you can put Nunu and make Leona more tanky. Otherwise use strong champions like Ornn. At level 8, we will put Shi Oh Yu, the Jade dragon on the ground. At level 7, we remove the champion we put because it takes up 2 spaces. This means that you become the endgame of the comp.

                           This is the final version of the comp

I shared this comp as a Mage counter and it really beats mages.

Although I won this round, I lost to the other friend and became 3rd.

After seeing the power of the comp I decided to try it in other matches. Not much images from that match. I think just a few will be enough because I explained everything very well above. If you still have any questions, you can ask them in the comments. I will be always happy to help you.

This comp can beat a very strong swiftshot comp.

As you can see, we had a 1v1 with this Swiftshot comp. You can see the result of the match in the first photo 😏.

Now I'm going to share a photo from each stage of a match I played today to help you understand the steps more easily.




The guy who became first in this game has done so many incredible things. He not only made his champions 3 stars but his items were also very good. He had Evoker Vladimir 3 star. I hope you don't face opponents like that 😤.

As for my general thoughts about the comp, it is very strong and can be played in every match. This is a very big factor in my love for this comp. Feel free to ask anything you have in mind in the comments. Stay with the game!

                                Play More, Live More!


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