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Introducing "Mine 4 Hive" - Play To Win

Since my last post about Building Minecraft In Unreal Engine received quite some positive response, I decided to continue working on this little game.

And so... "Mine 4 Hive" was born! Start digging for the secret code and win Hive!


The Idea

The prototype mentioned above was a simple block based game like you know it from Minecraft.
As this is pretty old and I doubt that anyone would actually enjoy it for more than a couple of minutes I decided to create someting Hive related.

So I sat down and came up with "Mine 4 Hive".
The setting keeps the same. It is still the same block based game where you can place and destroy blocks BUT with a clear objective:

Find the secret code to win Hive

What Code?

The task is pretty easy. Start digging into the cube, until you find the code.

What cube?

This cube!


For testing purposes, I generated a cube with a side length of 20 blocks which results in a cube of "only" 8000 blocks.

For easier access you can toggle into flight mode, in case you want to start digging top-down.


Once you start digging, keep going until you find the code.
The code is easy readable and has a clear direction. Either from left to right or top down.
Inside the block, it is recommended to switch into first person mode.

Code "1337" discovered

Obvious Questions

When can I play?

I need to do some more testing an optimizing. Also the "level" needs a bit more love ;)
I currently plan to run the first round THIS YEAR!

What can I win?

Depending on the success of the idea and potential sponsors the price may vary. The first round will start with a price of 10 Hive!

How do I participate?

Once the version is game ready, the first round will be announced 3 days before beeing published. You can download the game for free and instantly start digging. The download link will be posted when the round starts.
Everyone with an Hive account is eligible.

How is the winner selected?

First come, first serve. The first comment with the correct answer wins. It's that easy.
The winner will get paid directly by this account.

How big will the cube be?

Due to technical limitations, the cube is limited to 9.223.372.036.854.775.807 blocks. Okay... exhausting this limit would probably require a data center to run and quite some time to be completed.
I will link the prize with the difficulty. The final size is not yet fixed, but a side length of 50 (equals 125.000 blocks) seems doable. This value will be tweaked as the game progresses.

What PC do I need to run it?

To be honest, I don't know. The game does not fiddle around with fancy effects or complex physics so I guess any reasonable PC should be able to run it.
Console versions are not planned due to license costs.

What about time zones?

That actually gives me some headache. Obviously starting the round at noon in one timezone will be in the middle of the night in a different one, thus giving some players a clear time advantage.
Not sure how to tackle that yet.

Great idea! How can I support this?

There are currently two options for you if you want to support this project:

  • Become a beta tester
  • Become a sponsor

As in any game (even the small ones) stuff needs to be tested. If you want to try it out upfront (nothing to win here though 😉 ) please reach me out on discord -> Wirago#4583

If you want to become a sponsor and increase the prize pool, well ... also reach me out on discord -> Wirago#4583

Any questions or complaints? Please use the comment section below.
Also please let me know if this is something of interest for you.

Looking forward hearing from you 😀

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