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FEEDING MY WORM FARM - How i feed my worms

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So everyday my husband makes himself a smoothie for breakfast. Every morning i chop fruit for the girls lunches and put it in the compost bowl to take outside to the compost.

I also need to feed the worms.

so i rinse the blender to get most milk out. And pack in a few things the worms like to eat.

A quick blend and i throw it in under the bedding blanket.

I have to wash the blender anyway.. and its not like the food was rotten... just the ends of breakfast and dinner prep.


My worms are picky and watermelon seems to be their favourite. but they will eat most vegetable scraps and the seem to LOVE plain unbleached cardboard

best things are fruit and vegetables and legumes. nothing rotting. put that in compost

How to prepare the food

chopped up is best. as more worms can attack the same amount of food if it is spread out. then you can get food over all the bin layer but not be so much that they can't eat it. You want the food to be eaten in a day or two or the bin will get yucky. They don't like yucky food. If it goes gross you should take it out.


Don't add meat, animal products, dairy, or greasy and oily foods to the worm bin.

Avoiding citrus and onion and high acid foods (tomatos and pineapple) are a good idea too.


things that would be poisonous to you. So treated sawdust, grass/plants that you have sprayed with chemicals.
anything with "dewormer" in it... like... duh...
the bleached paper - infact anything highly printed is not good. Plain cardboard ok

My Blender in Action

So today i got some celery leaves, some cucumber ends, one small cherry tomato, some grapes and the apple cores.

Note the rest of the compost/chicken food is in the compost bowl to go out to the compost.

My worms still have a little left from yesterday so i have not given them heaps of smoothie.





In summer you can add a couple of icecubes to the blender. It will cool down the food and cool down the bin. Stop it from smelling as bad too for a few hours. :-) if it is blended with the food that is better for the worms. They like a little bit of water (not too much) and that will help keep the bin ...moist.... lol

my worms get used on the garden. I can use the worm poo and the water from the bins to feed the plants. its great. sometimes worm eggs will be in the water and that adds a few especially to my pots. Which, as they have mulch on top will be an ok environment for a few worms.

thanks for reading


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