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I'll just be patient and soon I'll be picking up the another fruits of my hard work again.


Greetings garden lovers,

This week, we will gather again to share our beautiful and unique gardens with different parts of the world for this monthly garden update. But first, before I share with you my entry I would like to say thank you @riverflows and @minismallholding and to the rest of the team @hivegarden for always being so active and friendly to all gardeners here and for of course initiating this.

In June, I was nervous about the crops because of the continuous rise of the seawater that reaches all the way home due to the unrepaired water barriers in the fish ponds near us since the height of the storm. In my crop, some were really hit by water and died such as sweet potato, spinach, my moringa trees and other flowering plants but thankfully it didn't really reach most of the crops and I also rescued some by pouring fresh water every day and luckily there was a big rain that helps for the recovery.

And apart from the problem I shared last month, something good happened about the land I shared that I made a garden today. I planted it with eggplant and okra when it was shown but now I have added other crops there as well and this is their updates.


Eggplants are planted ahead of my okras. I sowed them and grown on a seedlings tray before planting them in the soil bed so the growth is pretty well while I planted the okras directly in the ground so not all of them grew because of the chickens around that always dig in the ground and pick the seeds to eat. Now eggplants are mostly caring flowers and soon they will become fruits and the okra are showing small buds so just a few patience I'll be reaping my fruit of labour soon.

Thankfully last week it's been raining continuously and today it's been raining too so I thought I'd love to go for a walk to show you how beautiful they are now.

(left are okras right are eggplants)

those vacant spaces are those I planted okra seeds that didn't grow.

(string beans, squash and sweet potatoes)
this is my additional plant to the garden the sweet potato was the one I shared with you growing by the use of its tuber and I made five stems from it and planted it here. I also add squash, chillies that are still small today, and string beans I planted at the corner and one of these days I have to make a trellis for them to climb.


If you saw my garden blog last week this is the chayote now it grows so fast. It hasn't been fertilized yet but the leaves have grown well and the stems are fat. I think I need to find the right space for it to plant very soon because it's growing so fast. Other than the sweet potatoes and chayote I shared last week my lemongrass which has now grown new baby stalks and the string onions are producing new baby leaves too.


At my friend's request, I planted my second batch of lettuce because she wanted to ask for some from me and today they grew and are almost ready to harvest too. My bitter gourds are still producing good fruits and just like yesterday, I harvest some for the breakfast and I think I'd love to take a selfie first before cooking them😁.


Now if you are not busy I would like to invite you to participate in @chuch and @umirais for these monthly garden updates. 😁

That's all, for now, gardeners. Later I'll be busy reading others' garden updates. Have a fantastic day everyone and keeps on planting. β€πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’š.

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