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What Is Art?

Pop quiz time! Don't worry, there's only one question. What is art? Should be easy enough, right?


Is it lovely scenes and purty thangs? Or something more all encompassing than that?


Threw me for a loop when I discovered that people considered me an artist by dint of being a photographer. A much younger and drunker Colonel Jethro once jotted down a note to themselves: Art is whatever the artist says it is! Still not sure if that was meant to be wit or wisdom...


Seriously though, what is art? Is it that which the artist creates? If that's the case, is it the object or the idea it represents the 'art'? Is it communication? Much like language it can be used to help or hinder understanding but that still doesn't seem quite right.


Even if we were able to come up with a definition of art, would we accomplish anything aside from creating an orthodoxy to then be rebelled against?


Tito is an artist, can't you tell by the mustache?

Does it count as a trick question if you can't get it right or wrong? I wasn't about to grade anything anyway, that sounds suspiciously like work but I am curious what y'all think. So what is art to you?


That's enough hoodoo voodoo for a Tuesday, may the Farce be with you!

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