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The bridge is a long way away. Yet so close


This bridge represents the 17 parallel that divided the north and south of the country of Vietnam. The place where the war took place and on the front of the lines.
Right over water right by the steam right by the water ways the bleed red and brown.
The spot where the north and south were marked. Right here. That is it. That is the mentally separated way of north and south. Entirely different. Or as the locals would say "Same same, but different"

It is hard to imagine that this is where the division took place from. I suppose they had to decide some place and this was as good as any as it is on the 17th Parallel.
I wonder if they got to choose their own colours for their sides. I think it is all the petty things that the government gets worked up about and that is why they go to war. The live and do not let be, but beat into eternity for the sake of what I want is more important then live and let be, as any government who starts a war would say. What a shame.
Looking North

Looking South



That is standing in one place looking at two different views. Thanks for having a look at the Cầu Hiền Lương Vĩ Tuyến 17 - Bridge and area around the 17th parallel. More to see in the coming days.

  • Thanks for wandering a bit with me today, lots more to come from the beauty place called Vietnam.

Check out Pinmapple for my map of places that I have been and will go back to in time.

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