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I chose bitter?

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Don't go in search of what is not lost. You go so hard for it but the search should start within you.

Are you one? Are you looking out for your kind?

You do not need to be stucked with looking for good people.

Yea, you want someone with a good heart but why so?

Are you looking out for the good-hearted ones to turn them to *bittered ones?

Or, are you looking out for good-hearted ones to be good to them as well?

Victim Exchange

How come we have the bittered ones around us today?

Have they been this bittered all along?

Did you contribute in any ways?

Would it be right to say the bittered ones are mostly victims of some sought?

They turned bitter but could be tagged as pure souls at some point in their life but fell victims of situations or persons that had misplaced priorities.

Choice and beyond choice
No matter what you did or the situation they faced, they chose the path to bitterness.

They had no choice you say?

What would you have them do?

Hey, where is your locus of control in all these?

Try to take a better stand and do right no matter what.

World turns...
Take your stand and I take mine and that's just how everyone takes their stand!

We choose to do right no matter what! The person, the situation, - won't change us.

We pure, we good, we do right!

Do you want to take an excuse out of this?

What if I take an excuse out of this too?

I am stronger and can withstand all these. I am prepared for this.

Am I stronger than you?

Would you allow me to carry this world on my shoulders alone?

Let's shed the weight.

At every part of the world, we are the light, the hope because we keep choosing to be one.

Be one but not the "bitter" one.

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