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Bono and Ned Recorded Jamming In a Bomb Shelter In The Ukraine.

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It was a impromtu music session that went viral around the world yesterday when Bono from U2 arrived in the Ukraine and played a gig in a bomb shelter. He had a posse of woke hangers on with him including ex Steem Inc owner Ned Scott.
"When I sold Steem to Justin for millions and millions and I was getting a little bit of grief online from people who thought they had a share in the business, I turned to Bono for help." claimed Ned while he brandished a Gibson hummingbird special edition acoustic guitar.
"He said: 'Ned never mind the naysayers' is his little Irish leprechaun voice.
"And that stood to me after I sold the business for millions and millions."
"No I spend my days just jamming on my acoustic and going to hair salons"
"Occasionally I come and help Bono do a gig somewhere a bit war-y like here and maybe Yemen next."

Bono and Ned did a rendition of Stand By Me for the Ukrainian soldiers.

However there was one soldier with an AK47 was giving Ned the evils during the song. When our reporter questioned him about his evil eyes.
"That ninja mine was mine and my future and Ned just sold us out."


"Woah there Borysko," said the Edge trying to calm the soldier down.
"Those days are over, we all make mistakes"

Luckily the Edge was experienced at people trying to kill Bono so he is a good negotiator and was well able to handle the fracas.

"Happens me all the time" said Ned.
"I could be walking down the street and some guy from the Powerhouse Creatives comes at me with an axe claiming the ninja stake was his."
"I didn't see that guy in his wheelchair when Dan and myself were in a pokey room thinking up of Steem but anyway. People always want something for nothing in this world."

"So where to next?"
"Well the jet is on standby at the airport so maybe back to the states but I might take a bit of a holiday first." "Take my mind of this place."
"Go on a smoothie diet. Recleanse my body and mind"
"Might then head off with Bono to some place in Africa who are experiencing a drought. Play a few tunes. You know yourself."

"Is there anyone on after you in the shelter?"
"Some guy called Waka Waka."
"Have you heard of him?"
"Me neither."

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