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I am very sure that the heading must have bring something like death to your mind,yeah you might be right to some extent because virtually everyone is scared of death,no body wants to die no matter how old you become.death is one of those things am scared of but it is not my greatest fear in life.to me there is something far more dangerous than death and that is poverty.

Yeah poverty is my greatest fear in life,I see it to be many times worst than death.i have always believed that there so much on this earth to be enjoyed and there are certain things that without you being rich you can't really enjoy life to fullest.i have seen so many people suffered to death,the pain they went through before dieing and most of the time there death are due to sickness that if they had money to take care of their self they might not have died.this is one reason why poverty is my greatest fear in life.

I might not be born with a silver spoon but that doesn't mean I shouldn't strive for success and affluent life.there is this adage that says it's not a crime to be born poor but it's a crime to die poor.to me this is basically true and for this I have been up and doing my very best to give my self the best of life although I haven't gotten to where I want to be but I know with time I will definitely get there.


The pain of poverty can't be compared to anything not even death because death only comes but once but in case of poverty it's a life long experience that you go through every day,so just imagine how it feels doing one particular routine day in
day out,it will get to an extent that you will become totally bored of those routines and that's exactly how I see poverty as it tends to affect you psychologically,physically , mentally and even your spiritual wellbeing.

Some years back I was very broke,I think that should be like seven years ago,I was totally cash starved that even to eat a day was a very big problem for me.most of the time I am always indoors because I was ashamed of myself,my survival was basically dependents on people most especially friends,I became very tired of life because I was already becoming a burden to my friends and people around me.i became very miserable but after sometimes situation started correcting itself because I was hell bent to stand on my feet.


First was that I was able to get myself a job and from there I begin to build myself slowing and eventually got where i am today.that experience that i had way back then was never something palatable to me at all and since then I have told myself that I will never let myself be in such condition in life again.its not that it has all been rossy since then,but as we know life is full of ups and down but I am very grateful not to have experience such life since then till now.

Sometimes life can put you in a circumstances where you will have no instance but I strived to always get the best out of life instead of life getting the best of me.

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