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My Entry To POB Word of the Week : Persistence #003

Happy Friday!!

Today I want to share a story about "Persistence".
I am writing it because I felt compelled to do so when I stumbled over the challenge by @calumam in the POB @proofofbrainio community with this topic.

Sometimes I feel "Persistence" might be my middle name because if there is one thing I have already mastered in my life, it's getting back up after being knocked down.

To get the full scope you should read the article I wrote for a challenge by @topkpop a couple of years ago SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT: #nocomfortzone challenge for my adopted minnows (and anyone else who wants to take part) .
Today I talk about what has happened since then.

Some of you might have heard that I am a 2-time cancer survivor.
I had my first diagnosis with cancer in January of 2017, stage 2 cervical cancer with affected lymph nodes, caused by the HPV virus.

The first time I agreed to only have an operation, I refused radiation & chemo.
I was lucky that it was done laparoscopic, meaning they didn't have to cut me open completely open, they only had to make small incisions to enter my body with the necessary tools & camera.

Sadly cancer made a return last year due to my immune system being compromised, as it turned out I have celiac disease, my body didn't absorb nutrition as it should.
The irony here, I found out one week after my 3-year cancer-free celebration, the One Life Celebration, a party I organized with artists, @edprivat, @onemedia aso, I have met on Steemit.
Check out the video of the (click the hyperlink) One Life Celebration put together by one of the guests & fellow Hive user @yangyanje.
This time I last time I wasn't so lucky!

For this surgery, 18th of March 2020, they had cut me open in a big way.
After having surgery for a biopsy in February 2020 I had a the big surgery ( 10 hours ) to take out the tumor & some lymph nodes.

Before I went under there was still the possibility that they might be able to proceed like the first time, laparoscopic, so when I woke up that was the first thing I checked, & then the pain hit.
This & when the anesthesia stopped working after the operation on my hand, I severed a nerve, has been the worst pain I ever experienced.
But even then I ordered the nurse to take me off the morphine drip, I can't deal with opiates the cause extreme nausea.

I spent 13 days, with no visitation due to Covid, in the hospital, it really sucked. Even more so as a vegan with celiac disease.
I am a real health nut & foodie, what they put in front of me was catastrophic.
Due to some complications with my left kidney, I was released later than expected.
Being out & at home, I was compromised physically for about 4 weeks & I had to give myself shots for the blood-thinning for 6 weeks.
Beginning of May, the bees in my behind were getting antsy, ahaha, I started my first walks with my life partner & rock @jeffleinwand, they were about 3,5 km.
About a month later it had turned into 6,5 km runs around the lake down the road.

After thoroughly contemplating, weighing the good & bad, I decided I will undergo radiation treatment.

End of May I started a 12-week radiation treatment with hardly any sideeffects

Here are some impressions I come across on my daily 6,5 km run, I absolutely adore nature!!

On my round, I pass patches over patches of wild garlic!
You can count on me having loads of it at home in my herb rack, delicious.

On my recent journey, I came across this bug on the move, he was in the middle of the path so I ensured his safe crossing.

On my run around the sea I pass little side arms of it, isn't this simply idyllic?

We also come by loads of apple trees, as you see here.

I was absent from the computer, the Hive community for the rest of the year 2020, focusing on kicking that c-bastards arse.

At this point I would like to express my gratitude & love to TygerTyger & these 33 wonderful souls, Asonintrigue @asonintrigue
Auto Bodhi aka Blockmonster aka Shookriya @autobodhi
Bonnie Legion @soundlegion
Brian Fishboy Hilladigahackles @hilladigahackles
Bufinjer @Bufinjer
Carlos aka Elbrujo aka Segovia @elbrujo
Darren Claxton @darrenclaxton
Dookiebrownflow @wolfnworbeikood
Ed Privat @edprivat
Enginewitty aka X4oL1n @enginewitty
Gribbles @gribbles
Icon dark @icondark
lk666 aka Morktra @lk666
Isaria @isaria
Julia ponsford @juliakponsford
Junkfeathers @junkfeathers
Mischelle Gardener aka Rhosie Paws
Nicky Havey @nickyhavey
Onemedia @onemedia
Psionic Tremors @psionic-tremors
Raven @ravenmus1c
R0nd0n @r0nd0n
Skaarl @skaarl
Skyline Tigers
The Turtle Project aka little turtle @theturtleproject
Vachemorte @vachemorte
Wav Doctor @wav-dr
Willy G @scribblingwilly
Yidneth aka Priscilla Hernandez @yidneth, for the uplifting collaboration & message of love.
You all made me feel very loved & gave me strength, THANK YOU!

Beginning of this year & with the support of my wonderful friend/ co-host TygerTyger @tygertyger I started a new show on MSP-Waves @msp-waves called "One Tribe Radio" @one.tribe.radio.
Click the pic for more info on tomorrow's show!

Being back I also learned about NFTs.
Check out my latest NFT over at the NFT-Showroom @nftshowroom, "Diversity Is A Blessing" is a photograph I took of a heart-shaped leaf on a tile which I digitally manipulated.
To get there just click the pic below!

I also picked up where I left off & I started my studies for a diploma as an audio engineer in March of this year.
I am currently writing my finishing work.

To be honest, I really don't know where my persistence comes from, it simply is. NEVER GIVE UP!

Thank you for stopping by <3

More about me:
NFT Showroom

Discord Contact - D-VINE#9336

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