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Top 5 outrageous things to do before you die

Society grooms us to be painfully normal, to be another face in the crowd. If all of us were to express our true intentions, the world would slip into unimaginable chaos. Like my mother used to ask me as a kid "If you give into your instincts, what's the difference between you and a barbarian?"

After a few years, I found the answer - a barbarian sleeps without regret.

We get a few chances in life to do something extraordinary, that will be remembered beyond our mundane existence. I compiled a list of scenarios where you can be outrageous and stand out from the normal distribution.

1 - Quit with style : Ah the dream of quitting a miserable job is shared across nationalities, gender by corporate drones of all ages. But when the time comes, few of us act on what we thought we'd do if we quit our job. I wanted to write a caustic email denouncing my lazy boss and his credit-stealing a** but refrained because people said 'Don't burn any bridges'. But this time I've written an email like the Harry Potter Hogwarts letter titled "Where your work magically happens". The email has a series of attachments where his work was passed on to me. It is sitting in my drafts, itching to be sent


2 - Create your own fashion: Have a signature look that is reflective of your personality but amp it up a notch. Stuff I've done:

Pink corduroy pants - Check

Streaks of blue and green like a peacock - Check

Big cat-eye sunglasses converted to specs - Check


3 - Leave your mark: Pick a skill you're decent at and then create something tangible with it that will remain in the public domain long after you're gone. I'm writing a story where every sentence has a pun. Just to challenge myself and have it out there.

4 - Pamper your parents: Most of us have been pampered and shown unconditional love and selflessnesby our parents. Why not do some grand gesture to celebrate your love for them. For my parents 25th wedding anniversary I hired an Indian marching band (usually part of the wedding procession) to come to our house. My parents were shocked when the band and wedding guests reached our home with much fanfare.


5 - Go out with a bang: Have you planned your funeral? How do you want your loved ones and moneylenders to send you off? Maybe in a Ming dynasty urn or a bejewlled casket. I have planned a roast for myself with a video with my one-liners playing in the background.

That was me. Over and Out(rageous).

All memes used have been made by me on imgflip and are original.

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