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What are Hive's chances for survival?

What are Hive's chances for survival?

This post is an invitation for discussion.

You can drop your opinions in the comment section, or you can write posts and leave the URL as a comment.

However you'd like to join this discussion - feel free.

Here is what I'd ask. (please do take the time to read?)


  1. Realize that if someone is taking the time to comment, they probably would like to see Hive thrive - just like you.

  2. They most likely have strong opinions on HOW Hive could thrive best. These opinions usually come from personal convictions and experiences. For example, I hate spam and plagiarism. This is most likely because spam destroyed a platform I enjoyed, and because my book was plagiarized twice. Personal experiences drive convictions. Realize that you're reading from a person who lived a different life than you. Breathe before responding and try to check any arrogance before typing.

  3. A lot of people are on the "precipice" right now. Please don't be guilty of pushing them over the edge just so you can cut off your nose to spite your face. If you're too angry to respond - the least you can do is read and try to understand.

  4. Everyone here matters. You can try to dismiss their opinion because they are "just ....." but Hive needs every role/person here. More than that, in order to grow - we need MORE of each role, in my opinion. Sustainability depends on solid, balanced, steady growth.

  5. I admit that I am the QUEEN of huge comments. But PLEASE don't leave massive comments here. If you know your comment is going to be huge - JUST FOR THE SAKE OF THIS POST - please WRITE a new post, drop your post link in the comment section, and invite people to read your view there. It will be easier, I think.

Here is what the post is about.

If you have been here long, you have seen many of Hive's problems. At times, the temptation is to just push it aside and stick to your clique. No one likes animosity. No one wants to say anything that will make them a target. No one likes to be negated.

So, we hope that if we ignore it - it will just go away.

Problems seldom disappear that way. They usually are infections that continue to fester under the surface until they get much worse.

I would be willing to bet that 99% of the people reading this know SOMEONE who has said "I just don't want to be here anymore" for multiple reasons. They are often accused of being whiners, complainers, people who should just leave...etc.

The focus gets taken off of the REAL, inherent problems that caused the conflict and gets shuffled to name-calling, bullying, and negativity that overshadows Hive's potential.


The other day I spoke to someone who has been here a long time, has a significant wallet, writes beautifully, engages genuinely, rewards generously and ethically - but is generally private and soft-spoken. (Based on my on-chain interaction, you might think you know who it is - I guarantee you do not. Don't bother assuming. lol)

The reason why I'm qualifying their characteristics - is because I want to show you they aren't spammers, scammers, plagiarists, whiners, or any of the other things that would "disqualify" their opinion for your consideration.

In a private conversation, what they said broke my heart - and prompted me to reach out to others.

(paraphrased) "I just don't want to be here anymore. Many of the older Hive generation has gone, and I guess I might go too. It's just not the same anymore. We see more scammers all the time and people who just constantly take. I write because I love to write, so I'm still here. But, if I was on the outside looking in - nothing would interest me to join now."

They say the opposite of love is not hate - but indifference.


I try not to engage in screaming matches anymore, but believe me I'm fighting for Hive. When I see people passionate and angry - I see that they care enough to still fight. Even if they are on opposing sides and their veins are bulging in a battle- they are PASSIONATE about protecting what they love.

But when I heard what was said in that private conversation? My heart broke hard.

That person was completely indifferent to Hive. They won't last much longer. Most likely, they will power down and go away and WE WILL HAVE LOST YET ANOTHER STRONG USER. To be replaced by what?

Who are we attracting right now?

HOW are we attracting STRONG USERS? We know we are attracting spammers! plagiarists! scammers! We know that we have NO PROBLEM getting NUMBERS here who will earn, cashout, earn, cashout.

But when YET ANOTHER STRONG USER has given up - (and we KNOW there are more) - their surrender should shake the foundations of Hive.


  • Are you getting burned out? Do you feel like our case study above?
  • What would breathe new life into your Hive Journey? (Please don't say money, unless YOU YOURSELF are offering to sponsor something. lol)
  • What would it take to make it interesting for you again?
  • Do you need a new crowd? Do you need to move around and read new content?

and I'm adding ...

  • Are you part of the problem? If so - how WILL you bring something from YOU to change Hive for the better?
  • How do we appeal to GOOD content creators that are looking for a home?

Please do engage if you feel led to.

and for the love - remember to bring your chill LOL

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