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Things I love about traveling

Fill your life with adventures, not things, have stories to tell, not stuff to show.

Traveling is a lot of fun, whether you are alone or with friends. It changes you mentally and physically and it gives you a lot of benefits. Exploring different places gives you so many gains, gain new learnings, gain new friends, gain new experiences and stories.

There is so much fun in going places, you will be able to experience other cultures and learn their beliefs, learn about their authentic dishes too.

But you know what I love the most when I'm traveling, It's the fun of having a peaceful and awesome breakfast, savoring every bite and not rushing to finish it, followed by a long walk with beautiful scenery and a chance to get to know the locals. There are places where locas are so friendlythat when you pass by they greet you with smile on their faces.


Anyway, as I said in my first paragraph, there are so many gains or benefits in traveling, and let's try to list down some of them.

Creates memories of a lifetime.
Traveling gives you so many memories, from the planning stage up to the last step that you will take going back home. Going on a trip with family or friends makes you create a bond that no other person can understand. And if you want to save a memory that will last for so many years, take a thousand pictures so you can create a journal or photo album for every trip that you make and put notes on it for additional stories to tell or better yet put it here in the blockchain just like what I do with some of my trips.

Honestly, this is one of the reasons why I travel a lot.


You get to know yourself

Travel far enough, you meet yourself. ~ David Mitchell

Being alone somewhere gives you no choice but to depend on yourself, especially if a problem arises out of the blue. And because it takes you out of your comfort zone, most of the time, it forces you to deal with uncertainty and change. It makes you deal with situations that you don't normally find in your daily life.

It helps you adapt to change. It helps you understand yourself and know what you really like doing.

As you learn to adapt to changes you also discover your strengths, you discover your limits and you discover how patient you are in reading signages, maps, and directions.


Boost up your confidence
Being in a place out of your comfort zone teaches you to have more confidence. It makes you develop the ability to overcome various challenges that you meet along way. It also makes you a resourceful person in finding everything that you need in a foreign land.

These abilities and overcoming challenges helps you to be more confident, help you to be more aware of what you can do all by yourself.

Makes you more fun and interesting
And even before the start of the trip, it already creates a feeling of happiness within us, how? because we look forward to it. The simple thought of going on that trip already gives us the excitement of breaking the norm, breaking our daily routine.

It also gives us the opportunity to sleep more, and sleep late.

No matter how young or old you are, there is always a time when the child in you wants to have some fun and just this thought already reduces stress. So if you are struggling with burnout or feeling too tired, then you need some place to go to refresh your mind and I think that is what I need badly right now.

And because you got so many new experiences, seen so many places this makes you more interesting, Just by telling what you see and what you've experienced will make people listen to you, will make them more interested in what you do, in what you see.


and the last...

Traveling makes you smarter.
Having all said that, having new experiences, overcoming all those challenges, and learning new words from different languages. Meeting new people with a different culture. I'm sure that you developed a new set of skills that you didn't suspect you had within you. And that's what makes you smarter.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

~ Mark Twain

These are just a few of the benefits that you will get from traveling. Being out there offers you more benefits but of course don't forget that there are also disadvantages to traveling but don't ever stop going places just like don't ever stop learning.


And if you've come this far... I hope that I was able to entertain you and made you smile... and for that Thank you.

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“Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Fall in love with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion, and respect to your own journey.” —S. McNutt

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