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When quitting is not an option - POB-WOTW


I've always been an awesome quitter. It's true, there was nothing that I could quit on in the blink of an eye: Got a job, had the first problem, I quit. Got a girl, had the first problem, I quit. Moved with friends, had the first problem, I quit. The sentence I most heard when I was young was: "You always start stuff, but never finishes!"

And the weirdest part is that I could get anything I wanted. Maybe that was the reason for the lack of interest that I showed. I had so many wonderful opportunities in my life, but almost all of them I quit. Even when acting or doing a fire show, many times I would quit for no good reason. First because I could (and never thought of others, big issue later here) and second because I "Didn't want responsibilities."

It has been like this for a good time, until I faced the first time I could not quit: The journey of self discovery.


I was traveling without destiny, and decided to stop at my hometown for a while. Talking to an old friend he told me about this shamanic temple that worked with ayahuasca. I was all about conscious alterations, so I decided to check it out. The moment I got to the place was so weird: I had been here before. For some reason I felt like this was home. And it really became, as I lived there for 3 months. Then guess what? Yes, I quit.

Went back to the road but my mind would always come back to the temple. After traveling for another year I decided to go back and finish at least one thing in my life. Little did I know that this journey will only end when my life end. The trickster got me good...


Yes I could quit again, but no matter where I went, I was still there. No matter what I did, I was still there. Quitting this journey would mean quitting my life. And that was not an option.

Looking inside of you is no joke, I tell you. All the lies we tell ourselves everyday, all the excuses we create to justify our acts, all of that is shattered when you fully commit to the process. And many times I truly thought about giving up, but then what would I do with my life? I was never as happy as I was being there. So I endured, I persisted, and I still do. Being true to yourself is a hard game to play, and still many times I fall. But no matter what comes my way, quitting in not an option.

If you truly found your calling, you gotta have a lot of persistence. Because life will test you in many ways, it will throw so many thing to make you quit. But as I said in an old post, there are 2 other words that go very well with Persistence: Patience and Perseverance! (and look at that, all of them start with a P!) In the end it will be worth it!

And if you didn't find you calling yet, don't sweat! Persistence in what makes you fell good and it will come to you. This I can guarantee!

Well, I was going one way and my mind took me the other way. There is so much information that could be here to illustrate why I did what I did, but my time is so short around here that if I didn't post this now, I probably would loose another POB Word of the Week. If I took in account what's going on in my life right now I probably would quit posting, but I will persist here too, because when it comes to sharing my things with all of you, quitting is not an option!

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Thanks for reading until here! Don't miss the POB Word of The Week #3. Come tell us your story, tale, music, paint, expression, meditation, reflection, what have you, on PERSISTENCE! The prizes are really sweet, but not sweeter as the interaction with so many awesome people!

See you next time!
Keep posting and keep shining!

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