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Can it ever be bitter than this? 😭--Pob-wotw

Can it ever be bitter than this 😭😭😭😭

Now it is looking like a reality,I never believed it was until I got their that night, honestly I don't really know why am sharing this with the community,but the pain is just something I can't keep to myself anymore.

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Uncle was just the best life as offered , should i even say the best human being on earth,I might be wrong with that expression ,but trust me his contribution in my life and those that as come across him was the main reasons behind all this.

A man that live an average life despite owning a lot of Asset that can command the world to bow at his feet,I remember the community at his door every minute just to seek for his help and his always there to make sure that he helps Irrespective of how hard it is for him at times.

Life was very simple with him around,cause he makes things easy for people to access,i grew up to hearing an adage that "Money change people character", Honestly I almost believed this was true at some point in time , cause I met friend who only makes small change and start acting as if the world ends there.

But my uncle was just the perfect example that money does not change anyone characters, people are just exhibiting what is in them before,but of all let me say life has a way of taking what is important at the wrong time and at this point I felt a bitter pain of what it means to lose loved one.

I sincerely didn't have lot say or write when it comes to my bitter experience so far,but I just hope I could use this is an entry into the #pob-wotw by @scholaris.pob

Honestly am still yet to recover from the painful death that took him away on a night that he was with his family playing and dancing as I was told, only for him to say he want to relax and slept off and not wake up to life again,lot of things keep on ringing on my head.

It was his last last words with me that was just running on my brain,I can't forget how we talked for hour's that afternoon and he keeps on saying ;

Money is not everything, learn what being good means not just to those who are good to you,but to those who are wicked to you too.

This words keeps on ringing on my head every minute I remember uncle is no more,I sincerely does not know how bitter it is until I finally find myself wearing that shoe.

Losing a loved one is like passing through hell at times and till now am still wondering how come death took a man loved by the people,a man that as served the people,I really stand to be corrected on this "it is always hard to quickly heal from the pain that comes when a very important person is out of life either by death or any other means", right now this memory has been brought back to my brain and I just wished uncle can be back to life.

The pain of losing a loved one is actually one of the bitter experience human can pass through in life.

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