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Keep striving and never underestimate yourself

Hello friends of hive, I shall be discussing about this topic, but just more like an advice because this just came to my mind based on what I witnessed today while I was away from home.. so I am going to be making it so brief and concise. This world has taken everyone to a stage where you have to keep striving everyday even despite the issue you can be facing in life.. The more you try to struggle, the more chances you get to be able to achieve.


Looking down on your life is not a way better thing because you don't know the value of yourself until when the best in you comes out.. The scenario I shall be using for today's talk is about what I saw today. Ride along as we go through.

I was chance to meet a guy and a man. By the road side which the man had an issue with his car but there was no one around that could fix it back for him so the young guy was seated in a place but was looking at the man. After some time the young guy walked towards the man and first was not bold enough to talk to the man because he felt he was Little to the man.


But fortunately for the young boy, he got the courage to talk to the man and was able to fix the man's issue with his car and funny enough, the man was going to a very important place where he didn't want to mix so after he was done with the car, he man called the young boy and told him to ask what ever he wants but the boy could not say something and he man just deeped his hand Into his bag in his car and gave the guy a check which no one knows the amount there and he zoomed off.


Instantly, I was so impressed, what if he had not summoned the courage to help the man, what would he have gained.. what ever we do in life, we should never underestimate ourselves and learn to strive hard because you never can tell when you merciful angel will come..

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