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Demystifying POB: It's Token & Content From A Queer & Relatable Point Of View

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I was looking through @proofofbrainio, the contents, the community, the people, the engagement and how the tribe token is making waves so early and then on thing struck me. If there was anything a few people would get wrong, it would be the type of content they'll put out and of course how to handle the token they're getting paid in.

For the first one, content matters, when you look at many tribes, they're content based. Leofinance for finance, naturalmedicine for nature, health and healing, this of course allows people to compartmentalize, understand their categories and of course it to invest in a tribe token or not.

While compartmentalization is good, generalisation is good as well, so many people do not invest in a tribe token simply because they cannot create contents there, some people do not just want to auto curate or delegate their token, they want to be part of the thrill and help the token gain traction, an example of a person as this is @trumpman.

This is where generalisation is good. You see while I first came in contact with POB the question was; *what am I going to post? A lot of people as well was caught in this dilemma and when I later learnt that it was generalisation of any content that made sense I decided of course to bring in my interpretation of what POB meant.

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A Self Dymistification Of POB?...

First of all, contents differs from contents, while a lot of contents are self explanation of another contents, some contents are interpretations of another content and others are contents that directly mirrors the thoughts of others, giving it a different tint and of course exposing it to a wilder range of audience.

But then we have contents that are the direct creation of others, the represents their creativity, their assertions, perceptions and opinion in a way which hasn't been written before, these contents are original proof of common sense, in other words, the kind of content that suits why proof of brain was created. Iresspective of the fact that it goes beyond tag and compartmentalization, it unites contents or aims to unite contents that are original and created first hand without dilution.

How Handling The Token Price...?

This is another issue, prices attracts people and people bring content, engagement and value but then initially it all boils down to prices, see a lot of people get too greedy when token prices are high, "sell all in and buy into eth, or those shit-pumping-coins" or just sell and take the money, to be honest I'm not so happy that the coin is pumping in prices.

I do not know the tokenomics to shed more light on why it is because this might not even make people have the buidl mindset. Nevertheless a lot of people will be having a dilemma to either power it all up or sell and take all the gain, this is because of uncertainty. People hates uncertainty inasmuch as I think uncertainty is like the wind and we need to ride it, some people want to have their future in their hands and the ironic thing is, in crypto nothing is certain .



In Conclusion...?

Proofofbrain is the new kid in the block and my goodness can we handle all the development that's coming in, into hive? This was rhetorical and I meant to say, it's so amazing watching these things happen. Concerning the contents, it's easy;, original contents created from common sense and bearing proof of total originality is the right content to post in POB Irrespective of tags or genres or diversity in contents. This somehow is how I interpret the usage of POB and I believe you can relate to this simplicity.

Of a truth a lot of people will do diverse things with the token earned and while I'm excited with POB, I'm also scared. It goes two ways. Mutings and downvotes by a lot of whales on hive is because so many people wants to protect their investments from going to shit. Basically POB will do well with the right formula and structure and this will help with the mindset it's users cultivate; buildl or sell all

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Why "Value Quota System" Will Determine Who Is Rich Or Poor In The Future
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The Diverse Learning Opportunities Which We're Afforded In Our Different Life Races.


My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

I'm hoping to reach more people who are broken at heart and spirit, so share on any platform or reblog

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