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POB to Ecency : Day 5 and 6 : Steady Progress


Progress in the @ecency Porting

Writing code for POB community is a little like living in a foreign country. Many wont understand what you are trying to do or trying to tell them. They don't see the code I work through. There are road blocks a long the way.

The code base is immense so I don't understand every part of it. I try to understand just enough to add POB to it as I outlined in my proposal. There is the other part of learning and using the Hive-Engine routines.

I think we need another server for deploying the code. Even at this super early stage people can see things happening with a kind of radical transparency. A lot of code goes in behind the scenes to display the POB balance on that particular page reliably. Once I I have some more functionality like transfer and staking, I can commit this to the repository and at least have this functionality.

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