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Here a test run ...and probably another dumb question...

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So, after posting yesterday about how I see @proofofbrainio being potentially far superior, to what I see as the incestuous, nepotistic, corrupt, oligarchical and midwitwitted sycophantic hierarchy on hive, I thought I ask another dumb question.
And not so dumb a question at all - if POB is looking to grow and leave the cesspit of what they call hive behind, that is...

I'll be refusing any rewards on the hive blog, (as soon as I've worked out how to!lol)... and want to see if I still receive upvotes on the POB platform.

So might as well try it out with this post, eh?

Here's my (not so dumb) question:

Is it possible to invest in POB tokens with fiat/crypto money, and by-pass the Hive side of things entirely?

Yeah.... that's no so 'dumb a question' at all, really... is it?
(but I'm too lazy to change the title, so I'll leave it as it is)

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