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I never went away.....I was just waiting....Why?...Because I'm free, to do what I want , any old time...Including this post.

Before I continue this post, a big shout out to all the support I've been given (on and off the platform).

There are so many good people on here, and my soul sings from observing it in action...

My silence for this last week was intentional.

My timing was perfect.
(funny how that keeps happening. It must be a coincidence...or something)

Objective 1 : Complete.
That was to show - through actions of toxic accounts - the weakness of the DPoS blockchain structure, and the cult ideology that it promotes - through the abrogation of an individuals moral responsibility. ...First to themselves and then to others - by extension. (the fake shield of 'code is law').

A 100% success.
A victory without any degree of satisfaction whatsoever.
I'd hoped to be proven wrong.

Note to the idiots:
The war is over.
Stop digging.
You've lost - through nothing but your own actions.
Deal with it...

Phase 2 : Coming shortly.

Objective - Now that would be telling - I only say things on here that 'help the enemy' if I want them to react in some way.
I must say, btw....I never thought the 'talent' of being able to follow baited bread crumbs so unquestioningly , could be so enthusiastically taken up!
In actual fact - I would not have believed it even possible , not unless I'd seen it in action, first hand.

...It's far exceeded all my expectations.

To paraphrase...

"Never... in the history of human stupidity, have so few, shown so much of it, to so many..."

instructions to morons: repeat the same procedure , everyday for 90 days - or for infinity, if you're, like.... really clever....

Or to quote a well known song:


Even my very good friend, Karma, has pitched in to help things along...She's so good like that... (well, she is to me anyways).

(funny how that keeps happening... It just must be a coincidence...or something).

lllp (2) - Copy.jpg

Evil is ugly to those who are not evil ( definition of evil = To have NO moral responsibility )....And, as such - it hates exposure to the light...The truth.

Evil can't cope with honesty...


First off....

A BIG shout out to @proofofbrainio ...

I've been following events, matey.

In my opinion ...you had a fantastic opportunity to show leadership with integrity, and you failed.
You didn't fail me, or the pursuit of truth, or the POB platform.
Not one bit, matey.

You failed yourself...(in my very subjective opinion).

Pep talk time !.... for what I see as helping and supporting a fellow truth seeker !

(that's you, @proofofbrainio btw!... lol)

It's not a reason to get all stressed out.

(if this 'failure' is indeed a truth that you recognize to be within yourself).

So don't get down on yourself !!!..

...it serves no one except the toxic manipulators... Fuck them. That is what they want...

Learn and grow stronger from it.
Beat the evil, beat the stupid.
Be you.

You're much stronger than you realize.

Here endeth 'ye olde wise words' (from an idiot)...

BUT NOT this kind of idiot .... Holy Jesus Christ, fuck no....


And last, but by no means least....

Coming soon..... to a block chain near you....

Still no pennies dropping yet?
...no aroma of delicious brewing arabica beans, floating under the nostrils to wake from your slumber..?
No?....Not even a little?

As @antisocialist said (thanks for the financial support, btw)...

"I'll see you on the flipside"...

Take care people - Keep smiling - it's a jungle out there (and some ecosystems are rife with malevolent predators).

I'm not going anywhere...

Just waiting....And working very hard....

*Me.... working very hard....

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