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Political Spectrum


Where do you sit on the political Spectrum? Take the test

Oh the dreaded political Spectrum test, I remember doing these things and they make absolutely no sense and you're also leaving it upto someone else to give you a label, one that doesn't actually exist. But it is a tool of separation one that is successfully employed.

For instance if you're religious you automatically get put into the right category if your non religious or non practising then you are left. If you believe in sex only in marriage you are right and if you believe in sex outside of marriage you are left. How does that even encompass a legitimate political Spectrum result? One can be highly religious and left wing or right wing but left and rights don't actually exist.


Same sex marriage is another topic that often appears on political Spectrum tests. As if who someone marries automatically gives you a label. All around the world right wing politicians and religious groups supported same sex marriage. Does this now mean if you're religious you're left wing but right wing on some days?

This is why political Spectrum tools are not accurate nor is the political Spectrum in itself. Because no one is all one thing all the time, people have different opinions and positions on each topic which is more greatly influenced by their peers than their beliefs.

This is why some nations and cultures are different to others, it is not because they sit somewhere on some political Spectrum it is because of their peer groups.

But to attempt to put people into a class or group based on beliefs is a little odd and if pressed things quickly become unstuck and the flaws in the political Spectrum begin to show.


For the most part Taxes are deemed left wing but when I speak to self declared right wing people they believe that we should maintain free health care, education, government subsidies for businesses to remain competitive. But they say its welfare they dislike however, want to maintain aged pensions, child care rebates, child support payments, concessions and various other forms of welfare all of which are funded by taxes.

Many I had spoken too also didn't care about same sex marriage, wasn't really something they gave much thought to or impacted their lives. Then when informed they were moving closer to the left and not right they as well as I was confused.

Thats because there is no such thing as a political Spectrum, there is no such thing as left and right. These are made up constructs, tools of which that are created by political classes to cause division, to make factions, to make connections.

Can one really be trusted to support for vote for a politician or someone that they don't know or have ever met? No, so an identifier is created to make the whole process smoother.

Someone gets places as right so they go in search for someone in the right to vote for. Association plays a big role in government and elections. You're more likely to vote for the person that you can greatly associate yourself with. So creating Left and Right creates categories of Association which then creates factions and the creates a heap of people all arguing about the same thing, most often all complaining about the same thing.

But hey, whatever helps people pull the wool over ones eyes is an upper hand. I've never been one to fall for it, neither should you.

We all want jobs, money, food on the table, roof over our head and to succeed in life. The rest is just divisional noise.

But for fun, take the test and see where you land.

Image sourced CANVA PRO subscription and source link

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