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The world, a former bustling Hive that was torn apart by a virus leading to discord and malicious behaviour exposing the frailty of us all


2019, oh what a year it was the final year where cities were bustling hives, markets crammed with people, workplace lunches, weekend clubbing and BBQs with mates as we talked about all the questions of the universe over a few beers.

I remember it well as the year ticked over to 2020 I finally started to advance in my career picking up a senior legal contract manager position and a few side gigs. This was it, my big break. Life was going great and all in time for the arrival of our second child.

Unfortunately the universe had other plans more than a spanner or wrench in the works. It's more akin to pouring napalm down an ant whole, over kill. A new pathogen emerged but I wasn't too worried as we had been hearing over the news for the past decade, swine flu, bird flu, Ebola and none of it really happened to us. Except my partner got swine flu and ended up really crook from it, I didn't because I took the Tammy flu tablets they gave us and it seemed to work. Wife missed a day or two and her line of work as a nurse put her in harms way. But we survived so COVID wasn't a concern for us at the time.


But it didn't take long for discord to set in amongst family and friends expanding into divided communities. As vaccine mandates continue to arise households remain divided as do friends and community members. A sad state of affairs where people can not decide on what to do and disagreements emerge and people avoid each other out of fear Has he been vaccinate? Omg I just pumped into someone, hope their vaccinated

What started as dividing words slowly escalated into protests as people take to the streets in the hopes of altering government and business positions.


We're almost two years into this global pandemic and 2019 is but a blur, a distant memory of what once was, a time we all long for a year we want to return to. To be with our friends, our family, our loved ones. Heck even that annoying co-worker George who always heckles you and drives you insane! The one you wish you didn't have to see everyday, yeah. I'd give to hear his annoying voice and crappy dad jokes and office pranks.

Unfortunately what's replaced the crap dad jokes and office pranks are malicious behaviours amongst friends and country men and women. Once who stood arm in arm United are now all but divided as the vaccinated belittle the unvaccinated and the pro choice movements take to the streets. Will we ever return to a world of normality or are we doomed her on in?

Globally this has been met with force and at times violence from both sides of the war waging amongst friends. Back in 2019 we shared beers now we share rubber bullets, a past time is what we long for when we were all once together.


Regardless of what side you stand on when it comes to the virus or vaccination, this pandemic has exposed the frailty of people and how easily we are broken and turn on each other. When we all seek but the same thing, peace, love and freedom.

images sourced canva pro subscription

Images sourced Canva Pro Subscription

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