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🗿 Runestone blog No.8 🗿 - U112, Kyrkstigen, Ed - 10172020

Since this was before the arrival of Christianity, there are no crosses or other symbols depicted on the stone monument.
U112 is a stone monument near the lake, and we strolled through the forest, thinking that many people must have lived in this area in the past.
The U112 monument was quite large and had runic inscriptions on the front and back.
Viking mushroom! LOL!


🗿Runestone Blog Summary 🗿


Runestone Tells Us About the Viking Age

When I decided to live in Sweden and wanted to do something that could do in Sweden and Scandinavia, I came up with the idea of visiting the Rune Stone Monument, a stone monument created during the Viking Age.

I have been writing a rune blog every now and then, and I hope to continue to do so.

I am interested in studying history and culture, and I love learning about languages, Rune, of course. I would like to visit rune monuments (rune stones) and blog about how I got to them.

It was last October when I went to visit this runestone called U112. In Sweden in October, the temperature gradually drops and it feels cold unless you have a thick jacket. When I visited the monument, the harvesting of blueberries and mushrooms had already finished.

Rune stone monuments vary in size and in the text and designs carved on them, depending on the period. Christianity spread in Northern Europe around 1000 AD, but before that, the land was inhabited by Vikings who believed in Norse mythology. Some runestone monuments from before the spread of Christianity are carved with deities from Norse mythology, which is very interesting.

The U112 monument was created by a man named Ragnvaldr in memory of his mother, according to the inscription on the monument. The inscription says that Ragnvaldr went to Greece, indicating that the Vikings of that time traded as far as Greece. Ragnvaldr went to Greece and did many things, but in the end he came back to Sweden and built this beautiful monument for his mother. I visited the site thinking that he was a gentle Viking.

Description of the Sign next to the runestone
The moving block with the rune inscription is located next to a prehistoric bridle path that leads down to Edssjön.

Ragnvald has been an Upland great man who, judging from the inscription, was chief of the Byzantine emperor's bodyguard in Miklagård, i.e. Istanbul.

Through his mother Fastvi he probably belonged to the famous Borrestas family in Orkesta about 2 miles northeast of Ed.

The carving is skillfully crafted and the text has been given a rhythmic ending.
(National Heritage Board)

Rune reading


§A · rahnualtr · lit · rista · runar · efʀ · fastui · moþur · sina · onems · totʀ · to i · aiþi · kuþ hialbi · ant · hena · §B runa · rista · lit · rahnualtr · huar a × griklanti · uas · lis · forunki ·
Old West Norse

§A Ragnvaldr lét rista rúnar eptir Fastvé, móður sína, Ónæms dóttir, dó í Eiði. Guð hjalpi ǫnd hennar. §B Rúnar rista lét Ragnvaldr. Var á Grikklandi, var liðs forungi.
Runic Swedish

§A Ragnvaldr let rista runaʀ æftiʀ Fastvi, moður sina, Onæms dottiʀ, do i Æiði. Guð hialpi and hænnaʀ. §B Runaʀ rista let Ragnvaldr. Vaʀ a Grikklandi, vas liðs forungi.

§A Ragnvaldr had the runes carved in memory of Fastvé, his mother, Ónæmr's daughter, (who) died in Eið. May God help her spirit. §B Ragnvaldr had the runes carved; (he) was in Greece, was commander of the retinue.




わたしは歴史や文化の勉強などに興味があって、文字を学習するのがとても好きです。 そういったわたしにとってはルーン石碑をめぐり、その石碑まで行けた経緯などをブログに残せればと思っています。

このU112というルーン石碑を見学に行ったのは去年の10月でした。 10月のスウェーデンは徐々に気温が下がり、厚めのジャケットがないと寒く感じる時期です。 わたしがこの石碑を見学に行った時は、ブルーベリーなどの木の実やキノコの収穫などすべて時期を終えた頃でした。

ルーン石碑は時代によって大きさや、彫られている文字やデザインなどが違います。 北欧はキリスト教が普及したのは西暦1000年前後なのですが、それ以前は北欧神話を信仰しているヴァイキングが住んでいる土地でした。 キリスト教普及以前のルーン石碑には北欧神話に出てくる神々を彫刻している石碑もあり、とても興味ぶかいです。

U112の石碑はRagnvaldr という方が、お母さんを思い作ったと石碑に刻まれています。 そして、Ragnvaldr はギリシャへ行ったと刻まれていて、当時のヴァイキングがギリシャまで行って交易していたとわかる内容になっています。 ギリシャまで行っていろんなことをしていた、Ragnvaldr は最後にはスウェーデンに戻ってきて、このようなきれいな石碑をお母さんの為に建ててました。 優しいヴァイキングだったのかななんて思いながら見学しました。

U112 の内容

Ragnvaldr (ラグンヴァルド)は、Eiðで亡くなった彼の母、Ónæmr (ウネミール)の娘Fastvé (ファスタヴェ)を偲んでルーンを彫らせました。彼女の魂に神の助けがありますように。§B ラグンヴァルドはルーン文字を彫らせた;(彼は)ギリシアにおり、従者の司令官であった。


🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦
🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦

😍 @luvshares 😍 #luv 😍

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