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Books, movies and dreams are my three favourite things? Why? Because in these three things you can experience a world so vivid but yet intangible.

The aforementioned are creative endeavours--storytelling of some sort. While making movies and writing books are conscious creative exercises, dreaming is unconscious and illogical but potent.

Books and movies are basic fiction. They conjure worlds or situations that are possible but not real. Also, they invite us into another realm but like our lives, we passively engage with the characters of this fiction.

Dreams are fiction (of the mind). They are beautifully written scripts of our subconscious mind which we barely have direct content with. Unlike books and movies, we actively participate in this drama. On certain occasions, they are more tangible than our very lives.

Currently watching YOU, a series on Netflix--one of my favourite shows. It details the life of a chronic romantic and sociopath, Joe. I am watching the third season of the series and it sort of jogged my memory of a time I dreamt about murdering someone.

In my dream, I was on the run. I had done something wrong. I did not know how it happened because my subconscious mind wasn't big on the details (or probably I forgot that part when I woke up), but I had in my chest a guilt so big it sucked the life out of me.

I was trying to escape and flee to another country but I couldn't. The borders were closed and I was trapped in this void of unfamiliar streets and faces of people who did not know what I had done, but it was only a matter of time before I got caught.

My faux life was flashing before my eyes. I was scared beyond comprehension. I could not reconcile my real reality and that of my dream. At some point, I thought I was dreaming ( in my dream) and tried to wake up by heading and scratching myself but that did not work.

Everything felt so real until I woke up, sweaty, swearing under my breath and at the same time thanking God it was just a dream. I swear it was the best feeling ever--knowing it was all a dream..

It really took me some time after I woke up to process that I hadn't actually committed murder and it was a dream. The fear lingered in my mind for quite some time.

I did some brief research about it but I didn't find anything concrete. The problem was in the nature of the dream. I did not know who I killed in the dream or why I did it, so there isn't much I can reference it to.

Maybe I forgot an important part of the dream but I certainly could not shake the fear and guilt away. I occasionally have dreams of this nature that are vivid and strong.

So while watching YOU, I have this strange sense of connection with the lead character. I can understand the fear in his eyes when he takes someone's life. Even though I experienced this through a vivid dream, it isn't something anyone would want to replicate.

So what's the strangest thing you've dreamt about? Share with me in the comment section

tagging @blezyn to share her worst dream with the community

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