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Eureka, it's a clictoris!

First, a paragraph:

Ten years of constant study and research to establish a much more accurate definition of the female clictoris. Being, until 1998 (close to our present time), when it was possible to establish its composition, and that it was not only the small point that we see. Rather, a much more complex and larger organ, which includes the vagina, mons pubis, urethra and vulva...

It seems incredible that the not so distant year was when the first Eureka could be established! entirely related to the female clictoris. It happens that it had previously been a mystery wrapped in shame and male and female indifference. Until Helen O'Connell, an Austrian urologist, decided to clarify the issue.

Bravo! 👏👏

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However, despite all the contributions made by Helen O'Connell and her team, even today a large part of the world population is unaware of "the clictoris".

But, let's not blame this for lack of technical knowledge, because well Helen has done a very detailed Eureka of the female organ.!

But rather, a heavy bag of a cultural nature. Many people ignore this topic, they take it as shameful, but I think that from a more correct point of view, it is better to deal with it here and so on... than by collecting information poorly articulated in other sources.

A strong example of great territory in the subject is "pornography", where regardless of the participants, they always place the woman or female as a macro object and not specifically as a complex person capable of fully feeling through of your organ.

Cultural damage against the clictoris:

Studies aimed at breaking down cultural ignorance regarding sexuality have awakened many. I tell you that in times past, some of the prevailing beliefs were that clictors should be mutilated. Some indicated that it was so that the woman did not feel pleasure and a long list of reasons without any sanity. Faced with that, a protest or movement was launched against such savagery.

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History of a clictoris:

A girl, checking herself in her youth, with the help of a mirror... She inquired to know herself, in an innocent act of self-exploration. There was honestly no one to ask, her mother was closed on the subject and she was very confused. There were so many things that the books did not say or explain, and adding to this, there was no answer in education about it.

If it helps or clarification, it was no more than simply closing the topic. She didn't try to find out more, out of sheer embarrassment.

But, years later, she then stumbled upon a book by her favorite writer, depicting a scene of a girl in sexual self-exploration. And there, the desire and curiosity were reborn...her clictoris was a beautiful, rewarding and satisfying point. She alone, in the bathroom of the house, she knew and loved him.

Eureka.! -said her outpouring senses, while she shuddered.

I will not tell more of the story of that clictoris, I honestly do not want to take it to another point. But, that I think is one of the best Eurekas in life, she has solved it!

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If you read this far, thank you very much.

If you dare to participate, I leave you the link to the original publication of the initiative led by @calumam

Bring your brain and have fun!



Thanks for your attention, kindly: Ana Pialejo, under my username: @pialejoana.

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