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Thinking Through Your Ups And Downs.

Good day every one, trust you had a good night rest? Sometimes, I usually wonder how much different people handle different situations, challenges, adulthood e.t.c.in life. Forgetting the fact that life sometimes rages at ones face without considering the victim's status, age, resources, assets, positions and many other factors that life counts as nothing if it really wants to rage.


Apparently, challenges is a respecter of nobody, no matter how good or bad you are. There are time that you really have to calm down during challenges and re-strategize on how to achieving victory at the end but N.B: it doesn't mean you should let your guards down in the process.


Let's take a coconut tree and an orange tree as a typical example, have you ever noticed that whenever there's a big storm or it's all windy in an environment where both trees exists one posts it's fruits more than the other. Okay, this is it, during this stormy times, the coconut tree is always trying to be calm, bends its head to re-strategize and most importantly protects it's fruits. Then after the storm it rises up again almost unscratched as if nothing ever happened.


But our dear orange tree that bears sweet fruits won't do the same, it rages at the same time the storm rages, it doesn't even do itself the honour of re-strategizing or try to protect its own. Thereby causing it to lose alot during its stormy period.it loses many things that at the end or that period, it rise to having little or nothing left on it.


This also applies to every of our period of challenges, we really don't need to rage while the storm is raging, raging during the same time will cost us alot. Some people even rage at the expense of their own lives, forgetting that we live only once, that we have a lot of things to protect and we have people/things to answer to after that period of time, or even forgetting that our experiences are other people's lessons.


All we just need to do is calm down, don't fight back at the same time of the storm, re-think, re-strategize and take time to plan well. Thanks for reading through guys 🤗

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