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Foundations, Folly, and Fraud

Foundations of vision, accountability, synergy, and transparency are not always built on stone. Sometimes, these foundations form from an idea that we make manifest in reality. It's so fragile that should you whisper, the idea may fade into a dream.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


Reinforcing Foundations

Image by F. Muhammad from Pixabay

We strengthen our community one step at a time. We address concerns brought up by the community one step at a time. People have their own lives and responsibilities apart from the POB tribe. Some people even initially worked for free because they believe in the ideal.

We're stronger now and moving forward with community development...one step at a time. @calumam is leading the efforts to create a curation team with funding support from @proofofbrainio. @trostparadox also guides the tribe. If the Proof of Brain community had leaders, I feel it would be these three. If I seek guidance on tribe mechanics, I will seek out any one of these individuals.

One group in the community I feel we haven't adequately addressed are those new to tribes. The following section is dedicated to them.


New to Hive?

Image by 👀 Mabel Amber, who will one day from Pixabay

Welcome to the HIVE blockchain and whichever community or tribe you choose to join! You're presence and engagement in the blockchain are welcome. It's pretty daunting when first arriving as there is so much to see, experience, and learn. I know I felt that way.

Fortunately, there are paths available to those who first arrive. These groups and articles are open to one and all.

3 things Newbies should do in their first week on Hive

  • Author: @livinguktaiwan
  • Title: 3 things Newbies should do in their first week on Hive
  • Summary:
    • In quite possibly the best article I've read on HIVE introductions, livinguktaiwan provides an in-depth analysis of actions Hivians would recommend to new arrivals.
    • The article provides reviews and recommendations for concepts like engagement, communities, self-introductions, and self-learning.
    • You don't need to be a newbie to gain knowledge from this outstanding article. It always helps to gain perspective from those that are not you.

The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Proof of Brain

  • Author: @leprechaun
  • Title: The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Proof of Brain
  • Summary:
    • Leprechaun delivers the basics in his overview of the HIVE blockchain and POB community
    • He provides guidance on signing up to Hive from the very start and provides new users with a link to access the POB frontend.

How to post like a pro - Complete guide to Markdown formatting

  • Author: @themarkymark
  • Title: How to post like a pro - Complete guide to Markdown formatting
  • Summary:
    • Marky delivers a robust amount of detail in his guide to formatting on Hive.
    • The knowledge presented is beneficial because no matter the frontend, his techniques will work for you.
    • He's also the head of the StemGeeks tribe and is pretty welcoming to questions if you need answers about the blockchain.

The Terminal

  • Staff @theterminal: Some staff I've had the pleasure of speaking to include @brittandjosie and @thekittygirl.
  • Promotions: They help run an ongoing project called @heyhaveyamet that helps introduce newcomers to the blockchain.
  • Join in the fun: You can join in the fun by hopping on to their discord and engaging with them directly from their posts!
  • Engaging is a key to success.

The items discussed here are but a small fraction of the engagement and learning available to anyone on the blockchain. They're here to support, and it's a missed opportunity if you don't at least look at the services they offer.

Learning about the blockchain is another essential key to success here. One aspect of learning that is important is regarding behaviors in varying communities. Multiple people work together to engage, teach each other, and protect their community from negative behaviors like fraud.



Image by Thomas Rüdesheim from Pixabay

It exists in every shape or form. Someone once told me to pick a number of times fraud attempts occur on the blockchain and then double or even triple the number. People try to game the system to their advantage and, overall, it hurts the value of the blockchain.

In this section, we will discuss one form of fraud that I find is rampant throughout the blockchain, namely: Plagiarism.

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the deliberate, or unintentional, theft of property, whether it is intellectual or physical. You can plagiarize content and not realize it.

For instance, you can reference some facts you found on the internet but fail to attribute the information you present to your audience. In other words, you don't include your sources, or you fail to indicate to the audience your information originated from somewhere else. Mistakes are understandable.

Given the number of times, however, that intentional acts of fraud and deceit occur daily, responses to plagiarism can be without compassion.

The Plagiarism Organization holds that, at a minimum, the following acts constitute plagiarizing (direct quote):

  • Turning in someone else's work as your own
  • Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
  • Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
  • Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
  • Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
  • Copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not (see our section on "fair use" rules)

In the Proof of Brain Community, acts of plagiarism can be met with:

  • A notification to the user committing plagiarism
  • A link directing readers to the original source of your content
  • Reducing your rewards to zero
  • Recurring acts of plagiarism could get you muted from the tribe.

When I first started curating, I decided to use the above method because it was very clear to all reviewing. You knew why the downvote occurred and where the information originated. It's quite tedious do to that over and over again, but I feel it's helped others to identify other acts that I could not. Please also follow @Calumam, if you haven't already, to learn of POB's curation team efforts.

You can read more about POB's developing policies from @trostparadox's article entitled, Announcement of My Intent to File a Future Proposal Regarding ‘Rules for Downvoting’ in the Proof-of-Brain Tribe.

Do yourself a favor and reference your work. Take the time necessary to ensure you don't get caught in the crossfire.

In Closing

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Thank you for reading and following on throughout my Hive journey.

Special thanks to @ashleykalila for the POB dividers.

If you like this article, please consider upvoting and subscribing to @scholaris!

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