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BITTER gourds are good for health

Imagine a life wherein you can dive into a pool of chocolates, sweets, jewelry, coins and may be BTC too. You will enjoy it on Day 1 like there's nothing in this world apart from that. You will surely get a similar feeling on Day 2, Day 3 and subsequently for some days. But what after that? On Day 10, won't you get bored of it? You would want to get out of that pool and enjoy that outside world, no matter if that world tastes bitter.

A smooth life, without and hiccups and challenges sounds fantastic and all of us wish for that. First of all, that doesn't exist. We know the rich list of the world is not sitting idle and chilling around. They are still working to go higher and higher. For some one like me, I would want to be like them. But who are they willing to be like?

It's the reality of life, good is good only when it is tasted after bad. Good all the time will make it boring and eventually bitter only.

I personally can't favor a lifestyle that's full of goodness. I know for sure that I will get bored and will not value that goodness. For me, good things that come with struggle and hard work, some sacrifices and compromises tastes much better than the ones coming butter smooth.

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My mom says I have a good luck and get things easily, compared to my brother and sister. She says they have to work harder and thrive more to get what they want whereas when it comes to me, luck plays a major rule in bringing to me what I want. I don't agree with her completely on this because I know the amount of effort that goes behind my achievements. I get what I want because I focus and work towards it and because it matters to me, I like to get it anyhow. So I have my share of bitterness in life before tasting the sweet. This happens to everyone, I'm sure.

So for all those who feel bad about not having something, rather than feeling bad, cherish it because it will make your achievements more tastier and sweeter.

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