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Driven By EGO

The many parts of who I am, the many parts that make me whole, like a jigsaw, each one fitting perfectly into the next. Each piece a building block, a teaching, a healing. If I were to take one part away, that you no longer see the greater picture. There would be a hole and because of that, a weakness. Because once all pieces are connected, then we see the full strength, we witness the full power. Our full power.


I hear this word Ego and always with such negative connotation. How we must face our ego, battle our ego, so that we can finally heal ourselves and reach our full potential!

But this is not a battle that we must face, this is not a fight! We are not meant to fight ourselves, we are meant to embrace ourselves! To acknowledge every part of our journey, every part of ourselves that has brought us to this point in our lives!

We can spend so much time, chasing after something, something that we believe is missing in our lives. With so many feeling unfulfilled, feeling the pressures of society baring down on them, the pressure to fit in. to fit into a mold that was never theirs to begin with. How can we possibly feel whole, when we can not connect with the person that we are expected to become!

When this idea, of what our ego is, is pushing us to do things that are no good, that are frowned upon! When we are viewed as being arrogant when we put ourselves first. Don't get me wrong, truly arrogant people are difficult to get along with. But these days, we seem to throw around labels way to easily. Dismissing certain behaviors as inappropriate, when really they are sometimes, a call for help!

A person lost, because they never got to thread upon their own path, they never got to create the life they always wanted!

It is all too easy to name call, to make assumptions, to pass judgement, so much easier than taking the time to sit with someone, to be present for them and listen to me! To give them time, to share who they are with you! Perhaps it is our Ego that is telling us to just ignore them, to just focus on something more positive in life, because we do have to shield ourselves, to not let others drain us, are we not?

So what happens then, who are the ones that will give them time, who will listen to them in a way, that allows them to be heard!

How did we evolve in such a way, where we throw around labels and opinions with no real insight, where we believe that certain parts of who we are, are damaging!

How does one even define Ego!
Surely it is what keeps us focused in this physical reality, and yes it may wish to insist that we are a greater being, separate from all others. But it has it's place and it allows us to keep our toes with in this physical experience, to make sense of all the vibrations that come our way.

Perception is a wonderful thing and the more I thought about Ego, the more I saw how it is such a n important aspect of who we are. It has a huge influence on our lives, something that we can control of course, but it is something that really drives us! It pushes for us to achieve, to do better, to be better. And like everything it needs to be within balance.

It needs to be one piece of who we are, one piece that helps to hold us together, but not be allowed to flood the rest!

So why fight it, just embrace it, thank it, nurture and love it. It is a part of who we are. I for one do not want to listen anymore about the destructive parts, about the pieces that damage us and hold us back. Instead I want to love those parts, accept them and give them their place. Because I can never be whole otherwise!

The following poem, I wrote a few years back and I believe I posted it on Steemit back then too, but it is relevant now, it reflects what I am trying to say and I wish to post it again, to allow it to close this post of mine.


The last dance
occurred when all were sleeping,
Until the movements within the walls
stirred the magic
that once lay frozen.

Flickering lights
create shadows that glide across the earth
forming letters that spell out long forgotten names.

The many branches,
that rise and hold such wisdom,
become entangled as the woken seek new ways
This time of ego
manipulates and seeks to overthrow
as though it is their right to be in control.

Yet the silence brings with it a breath of change,
this quest that takes on shapes
and empowers those who re arrange,

what are the choices that we make
that lead us to the distant world within ourselves.
The shadows, the ego
they make up the many pieces
the many flavors that we seek to hide.

We hold them all
within the palm of our hands
we chose to let them govern and command
I see that reflection upon the wall
and when I wake up
I am reborn.

This is my entry into the latest POB Word Of The Week!





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