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POB - A Story Of Persistence!

When we look back at this time, what stories will we tell, what is it that they, that we will remember? Will it be this story of Persistence perhaps, of how there were some, who were brave enough to take back their power, to recognize the opportunity that had arose. An opportunity to finally branch out and reach their true potential.

To let go of the old, so that they could move forward, into the new!

They say it wouldn’t have happened , that we would still be trapped within this age of deceit and manipulation, if it were not for those who came together and created their secret hubs.


I’ve heard stories of gatherings deep in the mountains, where people came together and shared their skills, empowering one another, taking back responsibility for their lives , rediscovering their inner knowledge and returning to the land!

For so long, we were made to believe that many of these essential skills were forgotten, that they were not even valuable anymore. How convenient, as so many of us were convinced we were incapable of surviving on our own, away from the systems that they tried so hard to enslave us in.

But our connection to the land runs too deep and if we only found the time to sit and observe, nature itself would teach us all that we need to know, reawakening all that we already knew, all that was buried deep within. The mass reawakening they would call it!

It started out like small ripples, a small few who took the responsibility upon themselves to create a better way. To reconnect and rediscover what it really means to be alive. They faced many, many hurdles, with so many turning against them and blaming them for the truth that was suddenly so difficult to hide.

It is so much easier to blame others, rather than taking the time to reflect inwards and really feel your way to the truth!

It must have been hard to be the light, within these moments of darkness, but they could not turn their back on their vision, for some, this moment was what they had been waiting for, their whole lives! This time of transition, of transformation, was always going to be painful, because it is within these moments, that we get to see ourselves for who we truly are!
Warts and all!

So the hubs came together and focused their energy on creating change, creating alternative infrastructure and regenerative projects that would carry them forward and enable them to thrive. Their persistence and determination, the fire that keep them alight, that fueled them on this epic journey.

The following poem, was written by one of those visionaries, telling their own story, sharing their journey, their passion and persistence!


Time ,
All the time to watch these worlds collide,
to envisage the movements, that glide side by side
whole equations formed, in the blink of an eye,
we stand here connected
ready to multiply.
To work on our assurance
To hold fast to our ideals
everything slows down, as we seek to reveal,
To hold fast to our opinions,
until they weaken the seal.

Oceans of matter
Sail away with our fears,
hungry for attention
we break free just to feel!

A moment of madness, etched in the sand,
Confined and confused
we must now command.

To navigate our way,
whilst the chaos ensues,
I lay down all reason
As I downright refuse,
to be guided blindly
by those who refuse to see,
My strength Lies
In my ability to Fly FREE!

To embrace the Chaos
To welcome change
To empower myself
To broaden my range,
To Create and renew
To envisage and Soar
To break off these shackles
as my truth reveals more!

To be wild and passionate,
to glide with ease
To break down barriers, as I sail these seas.

And time,
This concept , of being on our side,
as though it can guide us through this divide.

Our direction , lies within our own hands
Never seek for distinction,
Just Rise Up And Command!


This my entry into the latest POB Word of the Week Challenge, with this weeks word being Persistence. Check it out here! Big shout out to @calumam for creating this challenge xxx

I was not sure what to write at first, so I sat with it for a while and then this is what came out. I look forward to reading some of the other entries. I also promised @nickyhavey that I would let him know when I posted mine . ( well he asked and I made a promise to myself that I would). @riverflows. @warpedpoetic and @owasco I would love to see you get involved.





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