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Science Shows COVID19 Vaccines May Increase Transmission & Drive Variants. Cases Often Increase After Vaccine Drives.

Scientific study has shown that vaccinations which do not prevent transmission, such as is the case with COVID19 shots, can actually cause increased transmission and the evolution and even the creation of new viral strains which are more deadly than the original version. We often see huge spikes of cases of COVID19 recorded after regional vaccination drives - this needs to be understood now.

Given the mounting pressure from governments and individuals to try to either mandate vaccination by law or to otherwise guilt and pressure people into being injected as a way of minimising harm from COVID19, it is essential that we pay attention to all of the details and do not make matters worse out of actions driven by fear.

Given that there is reasonable evidence that COVID19 may have emerged as a result of lab work done in part at the Wuhan virology labs, it is fair to say that we have even greater reason to pay careful attention to how human actions claimed to be 'helping humanity', may once again actually be killing us.

Published in 2015, a study titled: Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens, by an international team of scientists, demonstrated in bird populations how 'leaky' vaccines that do not prevent transmission can be responsible for driving viral mutation and increasing transmission!

anti-disease vaccines (those reducing in-host replication or pathogenicity) have the potential to generate evolution harmful to human and animal well-being;

whatever was responsible for the evolution of more virulent strains in the first place (and there may be many causes), our data show that vaccination is sufficient to maintain hyperpathogenic strains in poultry flocks today. By keeping infected birds alive, vaccination substantially enhances the transmission success and hence spread of virus strains too lethal to persist in unvaccinated populations, which would therefore have been removed by natural selection in the pre-vaccine era.

Source: Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens. - Europe PMC

'Leaky' vaccines is a term used to describe vaccines that only reduce symptoms of a disease but that do not prevent transmission of it to others. The logic being used is that particularly dangerous viruses would tend to kill hosts before they can be passed on to others, but if vaccines are used then they may transmit far more than would otherwise be possible. In addition, this may lead to more virulent strains emerging than would otherwise be possible too.

By preventing death, vaccination greatly increased the infectious period of the most virulent strains, increasing the total amount of virus shed by several orders of magnitude, and increasing it above that of the least virulent strain. Thus, the net effect of vaccination on both host survival rates and daily shedding rates was to vastly increase the amount of virus shed by virulent strains into the environment.

Source: Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens. - Europe PMC

The study even showed that children of the vaccinated Mothers were born infected with the virus

vaccination of laying hens, like the vaccination of offspring, enabled the onward transmission of the hyperpathogenic strain from offspring

Source: Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens. - Europe PMC

Effectively, this means that in an attempt to save the lives of those who are infected with the original COVID19 variant, potentially many more people get infected than would otherwise be the case. Given that 'shedding' of viruses can also occur in other ways, including through exhalation of people who have been vaccinated - it is reasonable to conclude that vaccines have the potential to increase the spread of viruses - particularly COVID19.

The observation that successively more efficacious vaccines have been overcome by successively more virulent viral strains has prompted many MDV specialists to suggest that vaccination might be a key driver

Source: Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens. - Europe PMC

The only valid argument to justifying the use of COVID19 vaccines in this situation is that the vaccines are said to be the only way to prevent death of those who are infected and so even if the transmission is increased as a result, vaccines must still be used. The reality, though, is that a large number of doctors say that certain treatment protocols are highly effective at saving lives of COVID patients - with no vaccines needed.

Our data provide that: by enhancing host survival but not preventing viral shedding, MDV vaccination of hens or offspring greatly prolongs the infectious periods of hyperpathogenic strains, and hence the amount of virus they shed into the environment.

Source: Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens. - Europe PMC

Given that many thousands of people are officially recorded to have died briefly after receiving COVID vaccines and that the figures are likely under-reported, we need to pay close attention. This is a controversial topic and the data is a bit fuzzy, but there is no doubt at all in my mind that many people have died due to receiving the vaccines and this is not really controversial in the sense that people consistently die from many vaccines - hence the billions that have been paid out in compensation over the years already (prior to COVID19).

So when I hear people saying 'oh, the delta variant is so dangerous - it's the unvaccinated people's fault', I sigh. Aside from the reality that the vast majority of people treated as COVID cases are not checked scientifically to find out if they actually have any particular variant or not - so no-one really knows exactly how common 'delta' is - the reality is that vaccination has likely played a role in creating this situation in the first place.

It would not be unreasonable to think that 'delta' is actually just a concept that is being overlaid on top of the side effects of massive vaccination drives.

The study makes clear that it does not prove that vaccination drove the evolution of the virus:

Our data do not demonstrate that vaccination was responsible for the evolution of hyperpathogenic strains of MDV, and we may never know for sure why they evolved in the first place

Source: Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens. - Europe PMC

However, the authors do also state that it is absolutely possible that vaccines and other drugs could indeed be driving viral evolution - it's just that this study didn't prove it 100%:

These cases and our data raise the prospect that a variety of disease mitigation technologies have the potential to drive virulence evolution, including disease-ameliorating drugs [7,47] or genetic enhancements of host resistance [48]. If these technologies prolong infectious periods of hyperpathogenic strains, as we have shown vaccination can, they too could create conditions favouring the emergence of highly lethal strains. This does not mean that such technologies should be avoided, particularly when alternative options are limited.

Source: Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens. - Europe PMC

Regional Vaccination Vs. Case Numbers

A full data analysis of world vaccination rates and case numbers is beyond the scope of this post, but for reference here are some interesting graphs showing both case numbers and vaccination rates for a few regions.

The graphs with black lines come from Twitter user ianmSC, who has been showing that mask mandates simply don't work, according to the case data. Note: This is not surprising since most masks are ineffective at preventing aerosol transmission of virus sized particles and prior to COVID19 no major group advocated their use in such situations for this reason.

The blue and red graphs come from The Bing Covid tracker.


Iceland's cases have shot vertically upwards in July 2021.

The number of people receiving at least one dose of vaccine was highest in June, only several weeks prior.

iceland vaccination rate.jpg


Israel's major spike of cases was in January 2021, moving through to May.


Israel began it's vaccine rollout early, beginning in January 2021 and slowing down in early April. This closely matches the biggest rise in cases in Israel.

israel vaccination rate.jpg


Japan's biggest spike in cases is in Mid July (coinciding with 97% mask wearing compliance).


Japan's vaccine rollout continues to increase gradually, being highest in July - coinciding with the spike in cases.

japan vaccination rate.jpg


Gibraltar experienced a brief, large spike in January 2021 and is now experiencing it's first, large sustained rise in cases during June/July 2021.

gibraltar cases.jpg

Gibraltar allegedly has a 100% vaccination rate as of May. So clearly the vaccines do not prevent transmission!

gibraltar vaccination rate.jpg

UPDATE: 90 Countries Show a Similar Pattern

Thanks to the magic of Twitter, I have been pointed to the work of Lara Rodriguez, who showed (months ago) that at least 90 countries have similar patterns, with cases rising following local vaccination drives. See here for the details.


Given that these vaccines may actually increase transmission speed and the risk of worsening the risk posed by COVID19, they should not really be being pushed as they are. Anyone who is guilting or pressuring others to be vaccinated may have blood on their hands unintentionally.

As we can see in this recent media report, many people are getting sick as a result of coming into contact with vaccinated people:

I was a Covid super-spreader and the guilt is killing me: How Australian socialite gave the Delta strain to SIXTY people in a single weekend despite being fully vaccinated

Focus must be shifted, as I and others have said all along, onto strengthening immunity and health naturally - using balanced/enhanced nutrition, exercise and correct exposure to the elements. Most people do not do this, period. Furthermore, treatment protocols exist which need to be better adopted. While there are voices in the for/against camps for these treatments, the numbers of success are sufficient to warrant high priority exploration of them. They do not pose a risk of increased transmission as far as I am aware.

Whatever the outcome may be of the virus and it's treatment, forcing people to take vaccines that may actually kill them and do harm on a large scale is completely unethical and arguably criminal. Those who do this will not be on the right side of history.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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