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Ugandan Gov. Pushed Wrong Polio Vaccine At Gunpoint - Killing Many. Brave Radio Host Proved That Every Voice Is Valid When It Comes to Science.

Kihura Nkuba is the founder of Greater African Radio and president of The East African World Broadcasters Association and director of the Pan African Center For Strategic and International Studies. His fight to protect Africans who were dying from FORCED VACCINATION for Polio is epic and needs to be heard now.


Kihura Nkuba is known as "One Who Handcuffs Lightning & Puts Thunder In Jail" and for good reason. 20 years ago he led a fightback against government mandates for vaccination which were clearly killing many children in Uganda. Against all the odds, and having even been threatened with execution by the government and persecuted by the WHO, he won. Few people outside of his region know about this even today, but in that part of the world he is a hero.

The summary here is that:

  • He was a popular radio show host in Africa.
  • He heard from a preacher that many adults and children were dying following being given Sabin polio vaccines. He confirmed this with many people.
  • He initially trusted in vaccinations but hadn't done any research himself beyond discovering that the Sabine vaccine for polio had been banned for use in the USA because it was causing Polio.
  • Through mentioning this on air he was threatened with being shut down by the government and ridiculed by the media there.
  • He was told that he shouldn't be commenting on Polio because he's not a scientist.
  • He discovered that people with HIV should not be given the oral polio vaccine, yet the government was doing this at that time. Only inactivated polio vaccine should have been used. The Ugandan government was ignoring CDC guidelines.
  • Polio was not much of a risk in Africa but Malaria was a huge threat - so they asked why was the government forcing Polio treatment and not focusing on Malaria?
  • The government realised they couldn't prosecute him in court and win, so they threatened his radio station with closure. He voluntarily stopped broadcasting and 10,000 people held a vigil outside the radio station and blocked roads.
  • He was forced to debate government health experts on his radio show. He discovered that they had never been to medical school and were clueless.
  • He predicted Ebola in Africa after studying viruses and vaccines and was called a prophet as a result.
  • It turned out that the polio patients that were claimed to exist were likely mostly vaccine injured people.
  • He survived an apparent assassination attempt by white men while driving.
  • A second set of government experts came to debate him on radio and started disagreeing with each other live on air. They described viruses as 'small animals'.
  • They admitted that they were using the dangerous live polio vaccine because 'it would be too expensive' to use the safer one.
  • The government started forcing people to be vaccinated at gunpoint. Some children ran and hid when this happened - they survived, but often their vaccinated siblings died.
  • 1000s of people in numerous countries regularly go into the bush to hide during vaccination drives for polio.
  • He played a recording of a conversation with the US CDC on radio in which the CDC stated that use of the polio vaccine being used in Uganda could be a death sentence.
  • His life was basically ended financially because the government was the main advertiser in Uganda and they stopped supporting his radio station.

Full Video Presentation From 2002


Clearly the government's actions were scientifically wrong and while we do not know the exact agenda at play, the following is clear from his testimony:

  • The government was knowingly killing it's own population with vaccines.
  • They (and unknown foreign entities) tried to silence and even kill the one who tried to stop them.
  • The madness only stood a chance of slowing down or stopping because of one brave man's determination to stick to the truth.

This one video serves as a testimony to what can happen when people blindly trust 'the experts' and are not free to direct their own health according to their own inner guidance and understanding. Free will is God given and a necessary part of life itself - when we deny free will, we suffer in 100% of cases - regardless of anything.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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