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Wellington Anniversary Day Hike

The Orongorongo River is a favorite place I like to camp and a few family members were interested in this location so I took them out for a day.

The Orongorongo Track is actually a tourist/family-friendly track. You drive to the Remutaka Forest Park to get to the trailhead, and then it's a 2hour walk to the River.

This is a small video of our hike showcasing the track conditions one can expect on a hot still day. A majority of the time you are under a forest canopy which made the hike very pleasant.

Even with a few short breaks, we got to the river easily in 2hours. Walked upriver to a nice area and briefly stopped for snack break. I even did taught them some basic camping rope knots; Envenk Hitch, Timber Hitch, Truckers Hitch.

Then it was time to head on home and maybe next time I'll include some form of outdoor cooking to enhance the experience. The family loved it.

Video created using Sony FDR-X3000 Action Camera.
Photos were taken with Samsung Galaxy Phone.

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