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Rosie Walk with Mulberries

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I noticed a few cool things on our recent walk the other day!


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Rosie Walk with Mulberries

With the late spring and early summer bloom happening, one of the things I look forward to the most is the blooming of the various roses that people have planted! It seems that there are far more people planting roses than I realized which is pretty cool.

It's a little tricky taking pictures of them sometimes without looking like a weirdo hahaha, the challenges!


It's hard to tell but there were two different kinds of roses that I found. A lot of them were pinkish roses but there were also some nice deep red ones like these here. I prefer the oldschool red ones myself, as that's a lot more interesting of a color! Pink is alright for sure, I wouldn't refuse to plant it but if I had a choice it would certainly be the nice deep crimson.


While we were out last year I stumbled upon this marvelous tree! I had no idea what it was at the time and there were all kinds of animals feasting on everything they could with it. It turns out that this tree here is a Mulberry tree!


I am going to trust my friends in the Natural Medicine community on that, as I don't want to go experimenting with eating random berries that I find but the groundhogs and birds absolutely love the things so I may try one of them. Likely I won't but you never know, I could grow a little bit of courage!


On the way back there were these other roses here, with a lighter red color that ended up being pretty cool.


This other gem here was something that I've seen once or twice. I believe the parent tree we see here is a White Maple, we have a considerable amount of them in the area. What is really awesome though is when nature does this type of stuff! A pine tree is growing inside of the split in this white maple tree base here. It was enough to give it some soil from the wind most likely, plenty of water in the rain and it's got some decent sunlight. It is amazing how there is such a will with these plants!


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